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I dropped Josh off at the airport and took his rental car back, I relied on the bus to get home, which took surprisingly quicker than I imagined it would.

Me: Hey babe, text me when you get off your flight, I miss you already 💜

Once I was off the bus, I went home to get ready for work. I showered quickly and applied less makeup than usual, which was weird for me, but it was strangely good.

Once I was ready, I had another thirty minutes to spare and decided to check my social media, another uncommon thing for me.

Josh posted on his Snapchat story, it was a picture of me driving, when I took his to the airport. It was captioned "Nice to be going to the shows, not nice to be away from her." I smiled and let out a soft squeal, Josh made me feel things I hadn't felt in a long time.

Me: Okay but you're the best bf ever??? I love you come back !-!1!1!

I headed to work early, but ended up spending the remainder of my extra time at the bus stop, I wore the gloves Josh gotten me the night before and sighed when I realized that we forgot to get hair dye.

Me: We forgot to get hair dye HecK
Me: Wow I'm really clingy and text too much gtg

I got on the bus shortly after texting Josh, and was dropped off not far from work. Time ended up going by really fast, before I knew it, it was almost time for my shift to end, when my phone buzzed.

Joshy 💜: Hey sweets, I just got WiFi, I'm sorry it took so long to respond, I miss you too, and I love you, I hope your day is going well and also I just remembered that too lmao

Me: Yeah my day is going alright, and don't worry about it, I'm just glad we're talking now, what time is your show tomorrow?

I knew that Josh was in the East Coast at the moment, meaning he was 3 hours ahead of me. I was weirded out by the fact it took so long to respond but thought nothing of it.

Joshy 💜: Well they always are supposed to start at like 8 but p sure we all know that never happens, I'm not completely sure at the moment but I'll make sure to tell you when I do

Me: Alright thank you babe, I have tomorrow off and the day after, then the next couple of days after that is my last couple of days!!! I'm so excited to move in with you, you make me so happy ahHHH

Joshy 💜: I'm excited too sweets

Me: Is everything alright?

Joshy 💜: wdym?

Me: idk you just don't seem interested rn, did I do something or like ? Are you stressed?

I didn't get a response for a little while, so I just focused on my job and tried to not think about ruining everything between me and Josh. It was irrational, but always a thought in my mind.

Joshy 💜: I'm just exhausted from my flight babygirl, you didn't do anything I promise. I'm also stressed because I haven't gotten to talk to you all day.

Me: Babe, I can let you go so you can sleep if you want

Joshy 💜: But if I go to sleep I don't get to talk to you :(((((

Me: Wow I love u a lotto™ but babe you need to sleep if you're tired

Joshy 💜: But I'm always tired....BUT NEVER OF YOU (am I tumblr yet)

Me: Are you what now? Is tumbler that app that all those memes come from?

Joshy 💜: Sweetheart it's spelled "tumblr" and yes lots of memes come from it, there's also a bunch of those "goals" or whatever people call them

Me: oh alright, no but seriously go to bed

Joshy 💜: Make me ;-)

Me: Joshua

Joshy 💜: Yes?

Me: Go to b e d

Joshy 💜: :(((( but I really want to talk to you, and like hear your voice

Me: I can call you first thing in the morning? I won't be getting home for another like 30-45ish minutes, depending on how crowded the bus is

Joshy 💜: I can wait :) you're so worth it, you're also really cute and funny and sweet and lovely and my love

I rolled my eyes and started to lock the gas station up, it only took about 15 minutes to shut most of the machines that didn't need to be kept on off, and lock everything.

Me: Babe pls go to sleep you're gonna die, also I'm at the bus stop

Joshy 💜: heck yeah, and no not until I get to talk to the loml

Me: This is literally why you're the best thing ever

Joshy 💜: oh so I'm a "thing" now ??? this is oVER

Me: oh fuk no

Joshy 💜: I'm jk I could never leave you

Me: thank god cause I would prolly die

Joshy 💜: no don't , I love you so so mucho

Me: Thank u I love u mucho so so as well (((: also I miss ur ass come back to seattle and cuddle with me for hours

Joshy 💜: that sounds so nice rn, are you almost home

(I'm just gonna put a bolded M for Sara's texts this bold thing is being a douche)

M: yes like five minutes I just got off the bus
Omg it's dark

Joshy 💜: crap I'm sorry :( I know you don't like the dark

M: Don't worry I am almost there also you're really cute n I wish I was coming home to you

Joshy 💜: fr*cking same, literally once I move you to LA w me, I will never go on tour without you, I don't care what you say, you're mine now and I cannot go w/o you

M: okay that's really sweeto burrito but I'm still gonna get a job and like pay half rent w you

Joshy 💜: no ur not

M: yes
Also I just got home

Instantly I got a FaceTime call from Josh, I answered and put my key on the counter, I went about taking off my coat and shoes.

"Hey baby girl." Josh spoke, I could hear the sleepy in his voice making me swoon.

"Hey handsome." I replied, I threw my shoes beside the door and went into my room.

"How was work?" He asked, Josh looked so adorable, tucked into his covers, and looking half asleep.

"It was good, one of my last days so I couldn't be happier, I'm excited to move in with you." I got a clean pair of pajamas out.

"Holy crap same, also I wasn't joking about taking you everywhere. I don't need my luggage, I just need to pack you and then I'm ready to go anywhere." I flipped my camera and started changing.

"Well babe, I still want to contribute, I would feel like a leech if I didn't."

"Baby girl, you make me so happy, in a way that nobody else has or could, and I want to keep you in my life for the rest of it, I think that's the biggest contribution anyone could do for me." I felt myself tear up and bit and flipped my camera back around.

"I really love you. That's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me. I promise that for the rest of our lives I'll be here to make you happy."

"I really love you too, and same thing goes to you, I'm never leaving, and good luck trying to get rid of me, I'm the leech, not you."

I'm feeling better after what happened, it's been a lil over a week, idk it's so weird ,,,

I'd rather not get into it but thank you all for the nice comments and support ❤️ I really really appreciate it (:

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