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My hair was dark pink, and again Josh would not stop taking pictures and videos of me. Of course it was cute for him to be excited over the change but the thought of thousands of people seeing it made me nervous.

"Joshy that's enough, we don't need the president seeing me." I giggled and took his phone from him. I set his phone down on the coffee table and moved closer to Josh.

"Sweets that's my phone not yours you can't just take it like that." Josh whined.

"Yeah but you were taking videos of me instead of giving me enough attention and it was stressful." I climbed into his lap and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"What're you doing?" Josh chuckled while I got comfortable.

"What I want." I kissed his cheek and put my head back onto his shoulder.

"What is it that you want exactly? Because you never come into my lap so I'm just wondering."

"Oh I just wanted to lay on you, is this not okay?" I started to bite at my lip nervously, out of habit I had bites all around my cheeks.

"No no it's adorable I was just asking," Josh's arms wrapped around my torso and pulled me closer.

"You smell good." I shut my eyes and leaned into his touch more.

"So do you, and your hair dye smells amazing. You're the most wonderful person in the universe and I love you." His hands started rubbing my back slowly.

"I love you." I mumbled, I scooted closer so I was straddling Josh and started falling asleep.

"Are you tired?" He asked softly.

"Mmmhm yeah." (That almost corrected to yesh)

Joshua carried me into our bedroom and set me down, "Sweetheart you need to get into your pajamas."

I groaned, "But I'm too tired and lazy. I'll just sleep in my jeans." Josh laughed.

"Sweets you can't sleep in your jeans, you don't like doing that remember? Here I'll get something for you to wear okay?" Josh went to his clothes pile and grabbed a shirt and grabbed a pair of pants from my drawer.

"Joshy I'm too tired." I shut my eyes in frustration.

"Sara we need to get you changed, please work with me. Do you want help?" I chuckled at the thought of Josh putting my pajamas on for me, never in a million years would I have thought about him doing that for me just six months prior.

"Maybe in the morning. If your lucky."

"Sara." Josh pushed, he walked over to my side of the bed and stood above me.

"Yes you can help me one sec, I'll put the pants on myself." I sat up, with the blankets covering half my stomach.

"Arms up." Josh pulled the shirt off me and helped me pull the other one on, "There we go. Now here's your pants." Josh ran his hand through my hair and kissed me softly on the lips. "You look so cute in my shirt."

I blushed, "Gosh dang it Josh, I'm not tired anymore."

"Well that means I helped you change for nothing." Josh mumbled.

"Well I know how I can get tired again." I offered.

"And how do you propose that?" Josh smirked and I flicked his arm.

"Shut up I was just gonna say you could run your hands through my hair again, you're a grosso." I giggled and climbed into his lap again.

"I'm not Santa, Sweets." Josh said with a 'matter-of-factly' face.

"Are you really complaining about this?"

"You're right." Josh pulled my face closer to his and started kissing my slowly.

(This is how I always start but then I get awkward and stop lol)

I deepened the kiss and whimpered when Josh slid his tongue in my mouth. [This is so dirty I hate myself lol!!!!!] Joshua pulled me even closer and ran his hands through my hair as things between us intensified.

I ran my hands down Josh's chest and grabbed his hips softly.  I could feel electricity moving through my body, I pulled away only so I could breathe, which pushed Josh to start kissing my neck.

I shut my eyes and leaned my head back, my breath hitched as Josh started sucking at one spot slowly.

Josh started moving fast, his hands were gliding around my back quickly, I started to grow nervous as to what might come after this.

"Slow down." I spoke softly, Josh complied instantly.

"Sorry Sweets I didn't mean to push anything, I'll stop." I groaned in protest.

"No no you don't have to stop just go slower, I'm not ready to go much farther than that.." I trailed off.

"That's more than okay baby girl." Josh kissed my neck once more, "Let's go to bed yeah?"

"Yeah." I changed into my pants without a care in front of Josh, climbed back into bed and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight handsome, oh my gosh you're so handsome wait a second!"

Josh blushed and tried to push my hands away, "No don't push me away look at you! You're so cute!! I just wanna kiss your face all over and tickle you!"

"Stop it! I'm a macho-man it wouldn't work!" Josh was laughing and trying to keep my hands from his sides.

"That's a lie cause Halsey tweeted that you're ticklish on your sides. I'm merely testing it, handsome." Josh's cheeks were bright red as he rolled on top of me.

"Bad! None of that!" Josh was chuckling as he held my hands above my head.

"Wow wait a second, from this angle, you're handsome! Wait shoot that's every angle." Josh kissed me again.

"Shush, plus you're the handsome one in this relationship." I started to laugh.

"Yeah and you're the gorgeous one? You're the baby girl and I'll be handsome. It works perfectly." I reached up and kissed Josh again.

"We work perfectly. I love you." Josh kissed my forehead and rolled off of me carefully.

"We do work perfectly, and I love you too baby girl." I giggled and Josh rolled his eyes.

"Goodnight handsome." He replies and shut off the lights.

Can y'all tell I'm thirsty for love ))):

(That sounds sexual but it's not supposed to be I'm sorry lol)

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