this has taken so long lmao

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whoop took me like a month to put out another bonus so here you go my frens (:


The couple was alone in the house, Jake was at Theodore's house and Debby at her friend Karen's house.

"Wanna do anything?" Josh asked as he played with Sara's baby-pink locks.

"Like?" She stared up at Josh's eyes and smiled, she felt so lucky to have a good man like him.

"Well, I actually bought a really cool puzzle the other day, you wanna put it together?" Josh grinned beautifully and playfully.

Of course Sara was going to say yes, he looked so excited. Sara loved when Joshua got excited, when he smiled, his laugh, and when he grinned so hard his eyes did the squinty thing. (Y'all who doesn't love that lmao)

"Alright Joshy, what of?" She sat up and followed him downstairs.

"Mario, it's really cool and like 1000 pieces or something like that." Josh moved a couple dinner mats off the table and put the puzzle down, it was a retro Mario game puzzle.

"This is really cool Josh, where'd you get it?" Sara giggled and wrapped her hand on his wrist and leaned onto his shoulder.

"Good question baby girl." (oh wow) Josh kissed her forehead and opened the box and dumped the pieces out, "Shall we get started m'lady?" Sara nodded and sat down beside Josh while they started out with the border.

also that lil chapter starter thing (;:-:;) <- that thing looks like a crying spider poor lil guy..

okay also quick question, so for next bonus would you guys like me to like do throwbacks and like different time places like after they got married and stuff? Or like just stay how it is now?

(Also please don't ask me to write smut. It's just past my boundaries and it makes me really uncomfortable to write that stuff. I've seen comments asking me to, I've gotten several messages asking, it's fine as far as someone asked if they could for me [NEVER DO THAT PLEASE!!!] and it just makes me really uncomfortable overall so please stop asking, and it's hard for me to ask because then I get hate and it's just overall awful. If you don't like the fact I can't write smut, don't read my book please)

And again thank you for supporting me always ❤️

[another question, I might post like my personal ig, would y'all be willing to spam it??] ^ that kinda sounds selfish lo siento.

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