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The past couple of days were the same.

I got up cuddling with Josh, him always being much happier than me, making me guilty.

Then we go somewhere and eat breakfast together.

We'd just talk and stuff until his concert, then it was either back to the hotel or bus and sleeping together again.

However I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, I was leaving Josh today, and I almost felt relieved. That hurt even more, I shouldn't feel happy leaving Josh. He just reminded me to much of Jai.. And that scared me.

He was so caring, just like Jai, I suspected Josh would never hurt me or pressure me into anything I didn't feel comfortable doing. I just had bad feelings and anxiety about being in a relationship.
I boarded my plane a couple hours ago, and I was landing soon. I just listened to music the whole time and basically slept.

When I got to my apartment, I saw a bunch of texts and phone calls from Josh.

Voicemail #1

Hey Sara, it's Josh if you don't know it yet. I just wanted to let you know, I miss you so much right now, and don't you ever forget how beautiful you are. Alright, bye now.

Voicemail #2

Okay so I couldn't sleep and I don't think you're off your flight. I miss the way you smell, and they way you cuddled against me at night. I have a break in a few days, I'm gonna fly and see you. Bye.

Voicemail #3

Ugh! Pick up I miss you!

Voicemail #4
Ok sorry I sound desperate bye

I sighed and shut off my phone, I needed to tell him when he visited me, it wouldn't be fun, but I really like Josh and he deserved to know.


Short but idc

Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now