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"Dang it's gorgeous at night. Especially in person." I stared in awe at the beautiful Eiffel Tower. Josh stood with his arm around me, his other fiddling with his shirt.

"Josh are you okay?" I asked eyeing him nervously.

"Couldn't be better Syrup." He replied with a assuring smile.

"Good, just making sure." I responded.

Josh bent down to tie his shoe, while I continued to admire the view surrounding us. Along with the brightly lit Eiffel Tower was the amazing city lights that surrounded it.

"Sara.." Josh started. I looked back at Josh noticing what could only be one thing.

He was bent down on one knee, my heart rate picking up rapidly.

"Will you make me the happiest man alive, and I really mean happiest..." He pulled a box out of his pocket, I thought I was about to faint. "And be my wife?" He popped the big question.

"Holy crap Josh! Yes!" I screamed. He stood back up just in time for us to hug tightly. He picked me up and spun me around in circles, bringing me back down into his arms for a tighter hug.

I felt tears pricking at my eyes, of happiness of course, and the biggest smile I've ever had.

"I love you so much Josh." I mumbled into his neck.

"I love you too so much, it is it I love you so much too? I'm not sure, but whatever one makes more sense to you." He joked causing us both to laugh. "Why are you crying?" He asked concerned.

"Happiness." I truthfully answered. Josh wiped my tears and hugged me again.

"This has to be the best day of my life." He whispered.

"I couldn't agree more Josh."

this is short bc im gonna double update with a josh point of view of this chapter bc yessssssssss b

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