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For the rest of the day yesterday, I talked to Josh on text as much as I could, which was for about half of the day.

However this morning I didn't expect anything. When I woke up, it was because of another nightmare of Jai, it wasn't pretty, yet again. Today I got up at around 6, I made coffee and decided to just relax on the couch, until there was a knock at the door.

I groaned softly, fully knowing I still had bed head and more than likely mascara stains under my eyes. I figured it was just a Jehovahs Witness lady asking me to come to a gathering or whatever, so I ignored it.

The knocks continued, and at that point I didn't care that I looked like crap, the knocks were irritating the life out of me, so I got up to answer it.

Without checking the peephole I opened the door swiftly, staring right into the face of the loud-knocker.

I gasped and almost screamed, Josh was here?

I jumped right into his arms, we stood in my doorway hugging for over 30 seconds.

"When did you get here and how?" I pulled him inside and shut the door, instantly hugging him again.

"Well I decided to surprise you, I only had this concert and some equipment adjustments. I'm off for two weeks, so we have plenty of time to get you ready to move. That and I'm gonna hug, kiss, and cuddle the crap out of you." Josh picked me up over his shoulder causing me to squeak.

"Joshua put me down!" I squealed, I was laughing and so was he, he set me back down carefully.

"Sorry babygirl." He grinned and gave me a soft kiss, and of course I kissed him back.

Kissing was something I never liked, then again I never kissed the right person, but now that I was kissing the right person, it was perfect.

"Wanna go cuddle and sleep?" I asked, Josh nodded quickly.

"After that flight and not getting any sleep at all last night, that sounds so perfect. Especially since I get to cuddle you." I blushed and kissed Josh again, this time a little longer.

We went into my room and crawled under the covers and went right back to sleep, this time I had no nightmares.

I was whipped.

heyyo it's the worst ever here !! I'm jk lmao, how's everyone doing ??

I've honestly had a bad day but writing this book is always a nice stress reliever. Today would've been my moms 49th Bday and it's been beating me up all day, and I'm really tired, also my crush literally asked me what my name was today even though I talk to her like everyday in 6th period I want to die. Idk I'm really quiet and stuff so I see why, but anyway I figure y'all don't want to hear my stupid rant so I hope you guys enjoy this short af update ((((:

I'll update soon (: ❤️


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