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"Ready to go?" Josh asked causing me to nod.

We walked hand and hand to the elevator, and then out the lobby. Josh led me over to his rental car and opened my door for me.

The car ride was long, due to the traffic, and just because where we were going must've been far.

Josh pulled up to a brick building with no sign, I eyed him cautiously for a moment.

"Relax its just an roller rink." He smiled calming my frazzled nerves.

Josh and I skated for a while, and then we sat down to get a drink.

"Are you having fun?" He asked nervously.

"Of course I am, I'm with you." I answered watching him blush. I took a bigger sip of my soda before a slow song came on. Josh smiled and stood up on his skates, I learned he was a lot better at skating than me.

"May I have this dance?" He cheesily asked. I stood up and almost fell, but luckily Josh caught me.

"Sure Joshy." I accepted. He helped me over to the rink, and he continued to hold my hand throughout the whole song. I almost slipped on several occasions, however Josh always caught me.

We then got tired and drifted over to the arcade, Josh floated to the change machine.

"How much should I do?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I replied with a small laugh. I put my head on his shoulder and leaned into him.

Josh grabbed a ten out of his wallet and got a bunch of quarters back.

He handed me a bunch of it, "Play whatever you want." He offered, he kissed my forehead.

I blushed and gave him a quick kiss, I walked over to a pinball machine and began to play.

By the time I finished playing games, Josh wasn't even half way done. (Dun)

I watched him play a shooting game with zombies, "Be my player two?" He questioned sweetly.

I laughed loudly before accepting, we played and got a new high score for the game, our names up top were labeled as JSD, although we weren't married, yet. (YET OMG WTF JS THIS AHHAHAHA)

Josh took a picture of our names at top with an excited smile.

He drifted over to a crane machine, "Which one do you like?" He asked pulling me over to his side. I leaned into Josh and inspected the stuffed animals inside.

I saw a fluffy teddy bear, a cartoon sponge bob, a dinosaur, and several other things along those lines. Most girls would've gone for the teddy bear, however I really wanted the fuzzy long neck dinosaur.

"The dinosaur." I said with a tiny giggle. Josh put money into the machine, and surprisingly, it only took three tries for him to get the dinosaur.

Me and josh got into the car, and I buckled the Dino in the back seat, causing Josh to laugh.

"What's his name?" Josh questioned kissing my cheek.

"What should we name him?" I responded by kissing his cheek back.

"Let's name him Jim." Josh announced. I smiled and began to laugh at Josh, my Josh.

"Let's take a family photo!" Josh said excitedly, he pulled out his phone, and we all squeezed together. "I'm posting this on Instagram." He commented causing me to groan.

"Please crop me out of it." I begged.

"No, you look too cute, if anything I should crop myself out of it." Josh argued. I shook my head and gave in.

I got a notification from him tagging me in the photo, curious to see the caption I opened it.

[ ] single
[ ] in a committed relationship with my drums
[X] Sara and our dinosaur Jim

I blushed and looked back at Josh, throwing my arms around him. "I love you." I mumbled nuzzling into his neck.

"Yeah but I love you more." He challenged.

"Fight me." I chuckled giving him a soft kiss on his neck.

"How about later." He said lazily.

"Good idea." I commented.

Josh started the car, and he started to drive towards the Statue of Liberty. He parked near the ocean, and opened my door for me.

Josh opened the trunk and grabbed some blankets, it was almost sunset.

We walked together to the sand and Josh laid down one of the blankets. We sat down and Josh scooted up beside me and latched his arms around me, he wrapped us up in the blanket as we began to cuddle.

Josh kissed the side of my head, we relaxed like that for a long time, even after the sun was set and the stars were out.

"Thank you for everything Josh, you're the single most best thing that's ever happened to me. And I wouldn't trade you for anything, I love you." I said with my eyes shut, I had my head in his shoulder and stayed that way until my eyelids were getting heavy.

"I feel the same way about you baby girl." He responded just as I started to fall asleep. "I love you too." Josh whispered, he knew I was falling asleep too.

honestly not that proud of this

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