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Throughout the whole day I had been asked so many of the same questions.

One, where and how did I meet Josh.

Two, how old was I and what did I do for a living.

Three, things about my life story. To which was always the same fake answers. Yes, I lied about my past to Josh's family, but it was a legit enough reason. Why would I want any of these people to know that my parents hated me, I was in an abusive relationship, and that I was homeless for a big chunk of my life.

"Sara, ready to go meet my mom and dad?" Josh said rubbing my back for a moment. I nodded my head just wanting to get this over with. I followed Josh up the carpeted stairs, he went into a big room full of more people I didn't know. I guess the Dun family is not only large, but can throw one heck of a Christmas Eve party.

Josh pulled me over to a huddle of people, I realized that it was his parents, and some other couple.

"Josh!" His mom smiled warmly, the other couple then walked away past me. I spaced out for the longest time until I felt Josh push me forward.

"Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend Sara." Josh announced.

His mom came forward and hugged me closely, which made eased my nerves a bit, she gave good hugs just like her son.

"Nice to finally meet you Sara, Josh talks about you on the phone all the time." His mother said teasing Josh.

"Nice to meet you too Mrs. Dun." I smiled shyly.

"Aw, just call me Momma Dun, Mrs. Dun makes me feel so old." She offered. I took it and then his dad began to talk to me, but my nerves wouldn't give it a damn rest.


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