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Today was the day of our flight, I was all packed up and ready, while Josh wasn't even wearing pants.

Two hours before the flight itself, and an hour and thirty minutes before we had to leave the house for the flight.

"Josh, you need to get ready soon. Maybe if you get ready early we could go to Taco Bell or something." I suggested. Josh was shirtless and pantless, watching tv in his boxers. I wasn't complaining because damn did he look good.

"Or we could watch tv in our underwear and relax." He sassed.

"Rude." I said rolling my eyes, "Just more food for me." I said grabbing the keys to the car.

Josh scrambled up and ran to the bedroom to get changed. I mentally highfived myself and cheered for victory. Although I was also mad for not taking a picture of him.

"Okay ready." He said putting on his snap back.

We walked holding hands to the car. Did I mention we were holding hands? Yes, I did twice now, but I couldn't stop saying it because I was falling in love with Josh, and just the simple hold of his hand made me so happy.
I got onto the flight and sat beside Josh, I was in the window seat, while Josh was in the middle seat. No one went next to him throughout the whole flight, but a couple people took selfies with him.

We got off the plane, my stomach had butterflies with chainsaws. I was so scared to meet Josh's family.


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