Chapter One- Always Full of Sunshine

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Hey guys, this book is the first book of the BBF series, please feel free to comment! I love hearing your feedback! Enjoy- x

Hey guys, this book is the first book of the BBF series, please feel free to comment! I love hearing your feedback! Enjoy- x

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Chapter one

Amy's POV

"Why the fuck do you have those heels on?" I try and cover my mouth to stifle the laughter that was threatening to spill out of my mouth as I looked at my best friend, Jade, as she came down the stairs.

"What? I like these" she frowned looking at her shoes. They were horrendous, what was she even thinking? Me and Jade have been friends since I can't even remember. We were both short, 5ft 3 for Jade and 5ft 4 for me. We both had long brown hair except mine was a tad darker. Jade had brown eyes and I had grey eyes. We started college last year and ever since then we have lived in the same sorority house.

"They're disgusting please take them off" I say to her making her roll her eyes. Jade was older than me but a lot nicer in every way possible I guess. The house had 6 of us in it at the minute, but we are supposed to be adding more members before the end of the year. There's me and Jade of course and then Grace, Evangeline, Mia and Becca.

"Your rude" she tells me whilst taking them off. It was Josh's party tonight. Josh was the captain of the football before he got expelled for being a junkie, yet he still throws awesome parties at his parents house when they aren't there.

"Sorry but wouldn't you rather me tell you this rather than letting you look like a dick wearing those tragic excuses for heels?" I raise an eyebrow at her and she puts on my red 5 inch heels that matched her outfit perfectly.

"You could of been nicer" she scolded. Jade was more of a mother figure to me than anything. I had a lot of respect for her for her putting up with my shit.

"Can you just hurry up, we're going to be late" I snap at her as I grab my purse and keys.

"But Amy there's no set ti-"

"Ladies you both looking awful as usual" I instantly get a headache when I hear my devil of a brother speak to us both for the first time in a few weeks. He closes the door behind him and waits by it with a smug look on his face.

"Piss off, Klaus" I scowl at him. Me and Klaus never really got along that much and we still don't. That doesn't mean to say he isn't protective of me because he is. He's 2 years older than me and lives in the frat house across the street from ours. We have two other siblings that older than us both, Elijah and Rain.

"I'm joking Jesus Christ, I was actually wondering if you guys were ready" he says holding his hands us

"Yeah we are, have you go your car keys?" I ask him as Jade joins my side, pulling my dress down a little at the back. I wore a tight black velvet dress with a deep red neck piece that faded into the back nicely. It was my favourite dress. I wore some thick matte Black Doc Marten shoes to finish off my look. Jade wore a black body suit that was strapless and 5 inch red heels. She looked beautiful.

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