Kid Flash x Reader

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(Y/N) = Your Name


"I need your help."
"What with?"
". . . a thing." 
"Care to elaborate?" 
"I need you to help me. . . 'woo' someone."

I groaned and fell back against the couch, comic sprawling across my lap. Wally stood expectantly in front of me, hopefulness written all over his face. Wally had been keeping me going with this for months, trying to find the 'perfect' girl.

The first try was almost a complete copy of Wally; loud, quick-witted, cheeky, and almost had no filter between her brain and her mouth. Ironic as that was how Wally had dumped her after 2 weeks. 

The second girl was the total opposite. I had bumped into her when I was in the library studying for the trigonometry test that was coming up. Quiet, shy, kind down to the bottom of her heart - basically like those 'quiet nerd' girls in all those books you read before she becomes the protagonist. That time it was Wally's loud mouth that broke the pair up. Estimated time of dating - 3 weeks. 

The previous girl seemed to be the perfect mix of the girls; humorous, bubbly, smart. It was anomalous when Wally had staunched over to my house, grumbling how their first date when badly.
"You sound like a 90's high school girl." I mocked, dipping my hand into a bag of cheetos, only for the bag to be snatched away by a flustered red head. 

"So, who is it this time?" I asked, sitting forwards and leaning my elbows on my knees. A grin spread across his cheeks as well as a bright red hue. His green eyes flickered over my head. "Her." I turned around and felt every single one of my nerves spike. Artemis. We had grown pretty close in the short time she had joined the team. And lets just say she wasn't the type of girl to play around with. I shrugged it away the feeling. 

"You should back down while you still can." I smirked, going back to my comic. I could see Wally's face fall over the top of the comic. I stifled a laugh and shook my head, closing the comic and standing up. Wally stood a whole head higher than me (a concept that usually lead to us fighting). I stuck out my hand. "Okay - but on one condition."
"And that is?"
"If you don't get her you have to do all of my homework."
". . . you're on."

"Yo, Artie!" I called out across the street. We both used the same zeta tube to get to Mount Justice, meeting up a few blocks away to make sure we both got there on time and safely. 
"You are so lucky I like you too much to punch you for calling me that." Artemis smirked. I rolled my eyes behind my mask as we sneaked our way to the zeta.

"So," I began as we made our way through narrow alleys and over rooftops, "what do you think of KF?" I asked bluntly. I was too tired of helping Wally to try and beat around the bush this time around. "What?" Artemis replied, stopping dead in her tracks. I stopped quickly, a few feet ahead. "You heard me, what do you think of Kid Flash? Ya know, Wally?" 
"I know what you said," Artemis growled. "What do you mean?" 

I sighed in exasperation, giving up the game. "Look, I've been trying to help Wally find his 'perfect match'," I used my fingers as air quotations, "for months on end now. So please do me a favor and try and put up with him so he can get off my back?" 
"Why do you sound so jealous?"
"I'm not-!" I breathed, attempting to calm my words. "I'm not jealous." 
"Then why does this bother you so much?" 

I looked to the ground and clenched my fists. I wouldn't even admit the fact that I did like Wally to myself. Two best friends winding up together? Yeah, right. "Haven't you read the books?" I mumbled. "Someone always gets hurt." And we continued our way to Mount Justice. 

Artemis had kept her distance from me for the entire mission. And it didn't help that Wally was trying his hardest to stay close to her the entire time. I took most of my anger out on my opponents, which earned me one or two warnings from both Kaldur and Robin.

So now, sitting between Artemis and Wally (who was still trying to get with her) in the bio-ship, I felt my annoyance beginning to bubble over. I jiggled my leg up and down to prevent myself from saying or doing something I'd regret. "Hey, (Y/N)," Artemis whispered. I glanced over at her. "Talk to Wally, okay? You should say something before he does something stupid. . . er." I smiled weakly and went back to jiggling my leg. 

I sat on the floor leaning against the couch whilst Wally was sprawled along it. We were doing another marathon of 'Back to the Future'. "I thought of another thing I could do to get Artemis to go out with me." I hummed in reply, trying to focus more on the movie. "Do tell." I mumbled, nibbling on a chip. 
"I was think that I should just kiss her." The chip cracked under my force. It was silent for a moment. "Yeah, sure, whatever you think." I mumbled again, putting the remnants of the chip in my mouth. 

"Do you think it's a good idea?" I shrugged. "Maybe."
"What do you think?" I held my breath before replying. 
"Yeah, sure, whatever you think. . ." I repeated, staring down into my lap. The nervous feeling had returned, churning over and over in the pit of my stomach. 

"(Y/N)," Wally said, placing a hand on my shoulder as he slid down onto the floor next to me. "What's wrong."
"Nothing." I quickly replied, staring back up at the screen. "'Nothing' always means 'something', (Y/N). What's wrong?" Tears quickly formed in my eyes and mentally cursed myself for being an angry crier. "Please tell me what's happening with you." Wally whispered, wrapping his arms around me. 

I hid my face in my hands as tears continued to spill, words lodged in the back of my throat. I took shallow breaths as I collected myself, pulling away from Wally's warm embrace and wiping my eyes. My words hesitantly stumbled out. "I can't- I need- I-I. . ." I sighed and looked away, tears still cascading down my cheeks. 

"Hey, hey, hey. You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" Wally said, grabbing my chin and pulling it to face him. I felt my heart beat quicken as the words 'I love you' escaped my lips. I became frozen and Wally's hand fell from my face, making my heart drop also. 

"(Y/N)," I shook my head not wanting to hear his next words. "No. I-I know that you like Artemis a-and I shouldn't have said that. I should've just kept my mouth shut and let you be happy."
"I mean, you probably don't even like me back I mean I'm nothing like-" I was cut off by a pair of lips landing on my own. By now I was sure that my heart had stopped working. 

"You didn't let me say it back, you dork." Wally grinned as he pulled away, leaning his forehead against my own. I gazed into his green eyes as the feeling of realization hit me with a bus. "W-wait. You mean you- Why? I thought that,"
"I like Artemis? Yeah, well, that was just basically me trying to cover up my denial." He said with a lopsided grin. I gave him a quick smack on the head. "Hey! What was that for?!" 
"For not telling me sooner! I've been on the hunt for your 'perfect girl' for almost 2 months straight!" 
"Would it make you feel better if I kissed you again?" 
". . . yes."


Ugh this was so much shorter than I wanted to be but oh well! I'm just happy that I finally finished it haha.

Hope you enjoyed and don't be afraid to submit any ideas!

Chika chika


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