Red Arrow x Reader

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Y/N = Your Name


Being the child of Aquaman was. . . well, to put it easily - it sucks. Sure, it can have it's perks; you can have stuff delivered to you by will; the ability to communicate to undersea life; learning about Atlantean history and controlling telekinesis. However, there were obviously some cons - freedom being one of them. And I don't mean that by being locked in my room or the kingdom, but being able to visit the surface world. My father would always make excuses, saying that I was too young and would understand when I was older.

I was turning eighteen the day I asked for permission to go to the surface. My father was more than shocked at my request, hesitant before replying.
"(Y/N)," he sighed, "we've discussed this."
"I know, but you said when I'm old enough-"
"And you will be, soon."
"No buts." I frowned slightly and looked down at my food, pushing it around with my fork.
"You let Kaldur go," I mumbled under my breath. Aquaman suddenly stop from his seat.
"You listen here young lady, you-"
"Arthur," Mera said, catching him off guard as she held his arm, pulling him back to his seat. He sat with a grumble. My mother turned to me.
"You wish to go to the surface?" I nodded quietly, awkwardly glancing between her and my meal.
"Why is that?"
"Because I want to know what it's like - to know and see what father did," I exclaimed, looking at my father. "I've learned about my home here. But now I want to learn about my home above." Mera smiled.
"It's settled - you shall go to the surface." I gasped in excitement.
"Mera, you can't just-"
"Don't worry, Arthur," Mera smiled, "I shall get Kaldur to accompany her on the surface." I get my mouth shut before I gave myself a chance to protest, thankful that I was even allowed to go to the surface in the first place.

"Your highness," Kaldur said with a bow. I shook my head and laughed.
"There's no need for formalities, Kaldur. (Y/N) will be just fine." Kaldur smiled at my request.
"An old habit," he apologized. I glanced at my parents.
"Thank you for letting me go," I said with a grin. Mera smiled whilst Arthur didn't look so sure.
"One last thing," he said, "promise me you won't come back with a boy."

I attempted to hide my excitement as Kaldur showed me around Mount Justice. Whilst showing me the kitchen, the rest of his team walked in.
"Who's the hottie?" A ginger boy asked, leaning on the counter top with a flirtatious grin. I looked at him confused. Suddenly, a tall blonde hit him upside the head.
"This is (Y/N) - daughter of Aquaman." Kaldur stepped in front of me slightly. I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled weakly.
"It's okay Kaldur, the surface boy mean't no harm," I looked at the ginger, "unless of course you were threatening to set me on fire."
"W-what?! I-I- no, I-" The blonde cackled behind him.

Suddenly, Red Tornado had come into the kitchen also, telling the team that they had a mission.
"Stay here, your highness. We shall return promptly." I frowned. 
"Can I not come? I'm sure I can help-"
"You will be safer here," he pleaded, before turning away and leaving with the rest of his team.

It was quiet after the team had left, leaving me alone to my own devices. I glanced at the time on the clock and noticed that it was well past 7 o'clock. Eagerness took control of me, and I quickly slipped into some civilian clothes before leaving the cave. I roamed around the city, taking in the sights and sounds. I looked through the windows of one of the shops, staring at their pastries. Unfortunately, I didn't have any money on me. Pulling away from the window, I glanced at my neck, noticing my hair failing to protect my gills. I quickly pulled my hair forward, managing to hide them once again.

Suddenly, a loud scream emitted from the parking lot behind the cafe, and instinctively, I ran towards it. A woman was surrounded by a group of much larger men, grasping at her clothing and bag.
"P-please don't hurt me!" She pleaded, her voice not sounding so confidently. The men just laughed, continuing their actions.
"I suggest you do as she says," I growled. The men turned around, glaring at me threateningly.

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