Klarion x Reader

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Requested by: thatwitchbitch


Y/N = Your Name

V/N = Villain Name

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Klarion had never once enjoyed his meetings with the other members of The Light. Though despite his need to cause mayhem, he preferred to do the work alone and grasp all credit that went his way. Nevertheless, he went along with The Light's plans, which gained the interest of the Justice League in many circumstances. 

They held their meeting at Ra's al Ghul's mansion, and Klarion had taken a seat at the very end of the very long table. He picked at the skin around his nails, Teekle resting warmly in his lap.

"Today, I would like to introduce a new member of The Light," Ra's began, standing from his seat, which was at the opposite end of Klarion, holding an arm up and pointing it towards the door. 

When Teekl's ears twitched and head raised, only then did Klarion bother to look up at who was entering. And there you were, whether it be because of good or bad consequences; whether it be you were bribed or forced. Either way, Klarion's eyes could not leave your form, however, nor could anyone else's for that matter.

"This is (V/N)," Ra's introduced for you. "They will be-"

"And what is your real name, child?" Black Manta questioned, an envious tone in his voice. Klarion briefly remembered the details of his son wanting to join The Light. He then quickly forgot the memory for his own sake.

Your eyes scanned the man, lowering your eyelids into a glare.

"My name does not matter to you," you spoke, arms leaving your sides to cross over your chest, black uniform following your movements. "It is like you bothering to ask a goldfish who its parents are."

First impressions were never necessary for you because fake personalities are what can get you killed in this game.

Klarion barked a laugh at your response, scratching Teekl behind the ear.

"Get it?" He said. "Because you fight in the water?"

* * *

You were mostly quiet when it came to discussions with The Light, only rarely ever speaking with Ra's and Vandal. However, there were times during meetings you would seat yourself next to Klarion. And he wasn't sure if it were just chance, or if he was just slightly jealous, but every so often Teekl would crawl onto your lap. And in a silent movement, you would scratch the demon-cat under the chin, a quiet purr emitting from Teekl as you paid probably very small attention to the rest of the conversation. Perhaps Klarion was more curious than jealous. Or an equal mix of both.

So, it wasn't a surprise when you would both form a duo when you ran into each other, toying with both the Justice League and their sidekicks, or whatever they were wanting to be called. But at the end of each battle, you would slip away quietly, leaving Klarion confused as to where you were. Each time he attempted to bring it up at a meeting with The Light, you would brush it off, scratching Teekl behind the ear.

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