Impulse x Reader

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Requested by: youngjusticelover123


V/N = Villain Name
E/C = Eye Color
Y/N = Your Name
Y/W = Your Weapon


"Would you stop moving?!" I cried, throwing my (Y/W) around. Impulse let out a loud, obnoxious laugh, continuing to run circles around me.
"No can do! You see, I-" He began, before I managed to hit him in the knee, toppling him to the ground.

He let out a small gasp, putting a hand to chest. I huffed and put my foot on top of his hand, showing him the blunt end of my (Y/W)
"How's this for 'crash'?" I grinned, knocking him out, the sound echoing through the empty plane hangar. 

I placed a finger on the comm in my ear. 
"Target is down. What do you want me to do now?" 
"Good," the Ambassador spoke calmly, but I could hear the sickening smile in his voice. "Now dispose of him - he knows too much already." 
"'Dispose of him' how, sir?" I asked, already knowing what he was asking for next. 

The Ambassador had assigned me to assassinating Impulse. In return - freedom - from everything, and everyone. 
"I think you know, (V/N)." I stayed quiet, staring down at the weapon in my hands. 
"Now, now, you don't need a reminder what will happen to you if you don't do this for us." I glanced down at my wrist, the burns of three straight lines still clear on my skin and they'll probably stay there. I got each one for each mess up I did when assassinating for the Reach - and I was determined to not let this one slip by me. 

"Yes, sir." I turned off the comm, pulling out my weapon. I twisted it around in my hand, glancing between it and Impulse. I aimed it straight at his unconscious body, my arm shaking slightly. 
"Come on," I whispered to myself. "You can do this, (Y/N). It's just another job." 

I took the chance to look at Impulse; blood had dried up on his upper lip; parts of his suit were ripped from impact to the ground. He's only a kid, I thought, chewing on my lip. Like me. I let out a cry and threw my weapon to the side. I paced back and forth, glancing at the boy every now and then. 

"I am so dead for this," I sighed, dragging the unconscious boy's body.

I stared from my own seat as Impulse came to, holding his head in pain. He let out a muffled groan from behind the glass. He looked around until he saw me. He let out a cry and hurled himself at the glass, bouncing right off and back to where he was. He looked around the glass cage. 

"Hey - you know I could just phase through this right?" 
"Right - through normal glass. This one you'd shatter it along with yourself." I smirked as his grin fell. We stared at each other in silence, glaring at each other. 

"Why didn't you kill me?" He asked suddenly. I scoffed and got up from my seat, walking around the near empty room. It was a somewhat un-safe version of a safe-house. Sure, it was safe enough from the Reach, but if you drank the water you would probably die of some unknown disease. 

"What do you mean?"
"I know who you are - (Y/N)." I glared at him as I leaned against the counter. 
"You're an assassin - for the Reach in particular. You're a murder-"
"Don't talk like you know me," I spat, walking up to the glass. "You know nothing of what I've been through. I-
"Lost your parents at a young age, jumped around foster homes, and 'did what you had to do to get by' - just like you're going now, right?" 

I stepped back slightly, my eyes wide. 
"H-how do you-"
"Let me out and I'll tell you." Only the Reach knew fully of my background, and knowing that this information could get around by this kid, I made my decision.

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