Robin (Damian Wayne) x Reader

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Requested by: clemeveretts (hope 2 make u proud bby also we havent spoken in ages how are the kids???)


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

S/H/N = Superhero Name

Y/W = Your Weapon

* * *

Your hands gripped the handlebars of the motorbike, eyes glancing around underneath your helmet, posture giving away how on-edge you were.

"(Y/N)," Damian spoke into the com, his voice loud and clear in your ear. He was on his own bike, a couple of meters behind you.

"Yeah, Damian?" You responded, continuing to dodge around cars on the highway.

He hesitated before speaking. "Are you okay?"

You bit your tongue, thinking over his question. You were both on an investigation to an abandoned hotel where the Joker had recently been spotted hanging around. The security cameras show he hadn't returned in a week, so Bruce sent the two of you out to see what he's hiding.

It wasn't the first time the Joker had entered your life. When one of his helicopters had hit a nearby building in the city, your parents had been on the same floor. They barely managed to escape the fire of the explosion, but shrapnel had entered their vitals. They died in hospital while you cried and waited in the waiting room, only for a doctor to tell you the news and leave you alone in the waiting room.

It was then that you realized that you were no longer waiting for anyone and left the hospital. And with no money to get home, you walked. But your foot never left the building when a nurse pressed a hand on your shoulder, gaining your attention.

"Someone's here to see you," he said, guiding you towards the hospital cafeteria that had closed hours ago, yet the lights remained on.

"No, there isn't," you said, feeling frightened at being taken towards an unknown person. "No one's waiting for me."

"But I am," a man said as he stood from his seat. He wore a suit without the jacket, which hung on the chair he was previously in. The boy opposite him remained in his seat, arms crossed tightly over his chest. The man smiled, holding out a hand for you to shake. "My name is Bruce Wayne."

When you looked over your shoulder, the nurse had already left, and you could feel your palms beginning to sweat. You glanced over at the boy before going back to the man.

Bruce quickly realized you were scared and nervous, and quietly asked, "are you okay?" The words hit you harder than what they should have for three tiny words. The tears had finally pooled and ran down your cheeks like rivers. You shook your head, hand raising to rid the tears that you were ashamed to have let fall in front of strangers.

"It's okay to be scared," the boy said suddenly. You blinked away your blurry vision to look at the boy. He seemed around your age, maybe slightly older and slightly taller. He had left his seat and was at Bruce's side. "We all do."

You continued to stare at the boy before speaking. "M-my name's (Y/N)."

"Damian Wayne," he responded, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. You smiled gently, joining them at their table and continuing to talk to them until you agreed to stay the night in their home, where everything seemed to be waiting for you.

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