Robin (Tim Drake) x Reader

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Requested by: predawnwalll


S/H/N = Superhero Name
Y/W = Your Weapon


"Oi! Birdie!"
"For the last time, (S/H/N)!" Robin growled, hitting one of the fake targets. He grunted as he hit the last one, dismembering its head from its body. 
"Don't call me birdie." I shrugged and walked over, a sly smirk on my face. 
"What do you want anyways, (S/H/N)?" 
"Oh, nothing, just wanted to see how long it would take you to finish this time."

Robin and I had a. . . interesting relationship - we were always trying to 'one-up' each other; see how was fastest; see who could take down the most enemies in a single mission. 

I knew that Robin was in fact one of the faster members on the team when it came to taking out targets - aside from Nightwing (and now Impulse). Meanwhile I was sorta close behind, making up for it by saving him once or twice.

"Oh, yeah?" Robin smirked, standing to the side. "Let's see you beat 53 seconds." I rolled my eyes as I stepped into the circle.
"Sure, sure, birdie." I smirked as I heard him grumble behind me.

Took out my (Y/W), twirling it around in my hands as I waited for the targets to appear. 

"Ha!" I panted, resting my hands on my knees. "51 seconds!" I stood straighter, trying to get oxygen back into my lungs. 
"Beat that, birdie." Robin scoffed and left the room, and for some reason I felt a massive weight drop into my stomach.

"Alright squad - listen up," Nightwing ordered as we walked over. 
"There's been a few sightings of drug deals between Deathstroke and Sports Master along the pier of Gotham and we're sending you in to investigate - this will be covert mission so do not engage unless necessary." Nightwing turned to us. 
"Only two of you are needed on this mission however, so-"
"Count me out," Jamie spoke up. "Football practice." Nightwing nodded in response, looking at the rest of the squad. 

Not many people were in today - only Jamie, Garfield, Bart, Robin and I were present, as the others were sent away on another mission somewhere in Moscow. 

Garfield grinned and jumped up and down.
"I'll go!" Nightwing smiled awkwardly at Garfield. 
"Sorry bud, but until you finish that assignment M'gann gave you, then I can't let you go anywhere - her orders exact."

I placed a hand on Gar's shoulder, smiling sympathetically at him.
"Don't worry - mission sounds boring anyway."
"Well, if you see it like that, (S/H/N), then I'll send you on the mission." Nightwing smirked. I sighed and shook my head.
"Wait - if she's going, then I'm totally going."
"Awh, birdie, scared I'm gonna over take you with our little competition? Oh, wait - I already have."

Robin glared at me hatefully then looked back at Nightwing, who sighed and nodded.
"Fine. You two leave in two hours so go get ready. And remember - don't engage unless necessary."

A part of me wished that was the way it stayed that way, but when I managed to knock another one of Sports Masters men down, I remembered how much I enjoyed seeing Robin's face when I beat him in something.
"23!" I called out at the mans body hit the ground. 
"25," Robin smirked as he threw a pair of birdarangs - hitting two men in the head. I rolled my eyes, mumbling "show off" under my breath. 

"34," I huffed as I took out the last of Sports Master men. Unbeknownst to me, Robin rolled his eyes under his mask. 
"Duck!" He called out, throwing the last of his birdarangs. I did as he ordered, unaware that one of the men had regained consciousness. I glared at Robin as he smirked, twirling his bo staff before leaning on it.

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