Superboy x Reader

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Requested by: FloweyDaCinnamonRoll


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


"Stay calm," Aquaman said as he rested a hand on my shoulder. I smiled awkwardly at him. 
"I'm sorry, my king," I sighed as we swam closer to the shore. "I cannot but feel anxious - what if they don't like me?" Aquaman belted a laugh.
"I'm sure they will, (Y/N). They are a good group of youths." His words didn't help the nerving feeling in my stomach. Once we reached Mount Justice, I was almost instantly surrounded by a group of teens. 
"Team," Batman began, "this is your new team member - (S/H/N)." The group of teenagers stared at me in awe and I had a fair idea why. I mean, how could you miss me with the pale blue skin. I bowed my head slightly, attempting to cover my nerves.
"H-hello, you can call me by my home name, (Y/N)." There was silence whilst their eyes stayed transfixed on my skin. I began to juggle my weight from foot to foot, hiding my arms behind my back, despite them being covered by my suit. Most of my skin was covered by it. I knew this was going to happen. I thought to myself. Suddenly, a girl with red hair stepped forwards. 
"Hi, I'm M'gann!" She greeted with a smile, holding out her hand. I smiled warily as I shook her hand. Suddenly, her pale-pink skin turned to green. 
"I know how it feels to be, well, unnatural having a completely different skin color to most inhabitants of this planet," she explained, her skin going back to a pale-pink. My smile slowly etched away. Sure

Meeting the rest of the team was just as awkward, none of which seemed to be focusing on me, rather than my skin. One who didn't seem too bothered by it was Superboy. However, I still found myself misplaced within the team. And the longer I stayed, the longer I found I was stuck inside Mount Justice. M'gann, of course, attempted to take me out one time, asking if I wanted to go shopping with her.
"I'm sorry," I sadly declined, looking up from my book in the corner of the couch, "but some of us can't exactly change their skin color with a single thought." M'gann smile quickly vanished, and she left the room just as fast. 
"A little harsh," Conner said, leaning against the door frame of the room, a slight glare on his features. I looked back down at my book. 
"I only speak the truth," I replied. Conner scoffed and left the room, probably trailing after M'gann. 

Eventually I found myself going into the same routine everyday; wake up, eat, train, eat, wait for a mission, eat, sleep. And with Conner and M'gann going to school, I found myself feeling more isolated than usual. They continued to talk about it even when they arrived back from school, M'gann with a bright smile on her face. 
"Remember when Marvin. . ." M'gann's voice slowly trailed away as the pair wandered into the kitchen, not even sparing a glance at me as they passed. I frowned slightly, picking at the end of my sleeves. I stood up hastily and walked to the training room.
"Where are you going?" Conner asked when I grabbed a cup and filled it with water.
"Training," I mumbled, not bothering to look at neither him or M'gann. It was almost saddening as they went back to their usual conversation. 

Removing my shirt, I scanned my arms, the black tattoos contrasting against my blue skin. I sighed and ran my thumb over them as they winded down. I shook my head and stood up, keeping the glass of water a meter away. I quickly tugged down on my singlet before letting out a breath as I raised my arms. The water from the cup slowly moving with me. As I maneuvered my arms around and twisted my body, the water moved with, copying my actions. I let a small smile crawl onto my face, feeling at peace as I moved. Suddenly being the opposite of normal seemed okay. 

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