Impulse X Reader

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Requested by: dragonsnaps

Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name
F/B = Favorite Book


The first time Bart caught me reading was when I was sprawled out on the couch in Mount Justice. He speed over, peering over my shoulder at the book.
"Um, what are you doing?" He asked.
"Reading," I stated dully, eyes still trained on the book. Bart let out a small hum of disinterest before speeding off again.

The second time Bart caught me reading was when I was curled up at the corner of my bed. 
"I'm bored," he whined, collapsing onto my bed, face first. I sighed and flipped the page of the book.
"Have you tried talking to Jaime?"
"He's studying - big essay due, apparently."
"What about Tim? Or Garfield?" I tried, hoping it would get him to go. He shrugged, mumbling into the bed about them not being very much fun and not being able to keep up with him. 
"What about reading a book?" I suggested, glimpsing at him over the top of my book. He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. 
"I don't see the point in reading those kind of books - the fictional kind, I mean." I frowned.
"Why not?" 
"They're not realistic," he said, resting his chin on his hands. I put my book down to the side. 
"Surely you read something in the future."
"Yeah, but those were history books - they're real. They actually teach you something." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, picking up my book.
"Sometimes people want a break from the 'real world'," I mumbled.

The third time Bart caught me reading was when I was in the infirmary after a mission - a bruised eye; slightly cracked ribs; a cut cheek. Nevertheless I kept myself stable in the silent room by reading. Bart walked in silently, jumping onto my bed.
"How're you feeling?" He asked, glancing between me and my book. I shrugged, wincing slightly at the pain in my side.
"Could be better," I mumbled, grinning slightly. 
"I still don't see why you read those stupid books," Bart sighed. My grin instantly fell back down and I looked back at my book. 
"It's interesting. More interesting than laying in bed all day doing nothing." Bart snorted.
"Yeah, well, if it were me-"
"Some of don't have super fast healing factors," I butted in, flipping the page loudly. Bart glared at me before speeding away, leaving me alone in a more peaceful silence.

This time Bart caught me reading outside of Mount Justice, my toes digging beneath the warm sand. At first when I felt a breeze rush past me, I thought it was just the wind. But when a shadow loomed over myself and my book, I looked up to see Bart grinning down at me.
"He dies in the end," he stated.
"I know," I said with a smirk, staring back down at the page. "I've read it three times already." I heard Bart huff in loss before he sat down opposite me.
"How do you know he dies?" I asked without sparing a glance at him.
"I saw the movie."
"So you can sit through one and a half hour movie, but you can't read a book that you can probably read through in probably less than a minute?"
". . . I have a bad attention span." I raised my eyebrow.
"I've noticed."

It was silent before Bart spoke up once more, asking me, "why do you read so much? There are so many other things to do!" I rolled my eyes with a sigh, plopping the book next to me.
"It's calming," I said with a small smile. "You can get lost in it, and forget about everything that goes on around you. You can be yourself for one minute, then find yourself as the character the next." Bart still didn't seem so convinced. I let out a chuckle before standing up, wiping the sand off of me as I did so. 
"Follow me."

I guided him to my room in Mount Justice, going over to my bookshelf and running my finger over the backs. 
"You've read all of these?" Bart asked in astonishment. I let out a laugh and shook my head.
"Not yet - I've been putting a few off actually."
"Why?" I shrugged.
"Don't want to ruin the cover quite yet - aha!" I exclaimed, pulling out (F/B). I flipped through the pages quickly before handing it over to Bart.
"Try this one - I think you might like it." Bart took it from my hand and began flicking through the pages at a wild pace. I tore the book from his hands.
"No!" I cried, holding the book close to my chest. Bart looked at me perplexed at my out burst. I sighed and looked down at the cover.
"If you're going to read it you have to read it at a slower pace so you can get a feel of the book. Or you might miss something important." Bart rolled his eyes, before carefully taking the book.
"Okay - I'll read it at your pace, snail." I laughed and punched his shoulder at the name.

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