Bluebeetle x Green Lantern! Reader

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Requested by: @spoilerxalert


Y/N = Your Name
E/C = Eye Color
Y/F/N = Your Full Name


"Do I really need to join this team? I mean, I work better with you. What about Sodam?"
"For the final time, (Y/N), I'm entering you into this team so you can learn to work in a team." Hal sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. 
"Why would I need to be in a team when I can literally make whatever I want with this ring?" I grumbled, balling my hands into fists as we flew to the nearest zeta-tube to Mount Justice, or at least that's what Hal had called it. I heard him chuckle ahead of me and looked over it shoulder at me. 
"That's what I thought before I joined the League. You'll warm up to them."
"I make no promises."

I had been working alongside Green Lantern for three years since the death of my mother, Sendrina, quickly taking her place after much training with the Green Lantern Corps. Hal had been unwilling at first, claiming that he had better things to do than look after a child. However, after showing him what I was made of under the first two weeks of fighting with him, he took me under his wing, claiming himself as my mentor. 

I adjusted my mask to make sure it hid my (E/C) and instead showing a much brighter blue pair. 
"Ready, kid?"
"Lets just get this over with." I stepped through the zeta-tube, flinching at the feeling of being transported. 

"Oh, here they are. Squad, this your new team mate - Nepeta."
"You named yourself after the color green?" A boy who I believed was Blue Beetle spoke up, smirking slightly. The boy next to him, Impulse, snickered behind his hand, lowering his hand for the taller boy the high-five. I glared between the two behind my mask, eventually landing on Blue Beetle. 
"No, no," I cut off Nightwing, "the boy who named himself after a bug has a point." I smirked and crossed my arms over my chest. 

Weeks had passed, and Blue Beetle and I had hadn't grown any closer, aside from me easily finding out his real name (because I got bored and no one else was here at the time, what do you expect from me, Nightwing?). We were all currently practicing in the training room, and when Nightwing had managed to take down La'gaan for the fourth time in a row, Nightwing finally decided he had enough. He scanned the room before landing on me, then looking over at Blue Beetle. 

"Beetle, Nepeta - you're versing," Nightwing smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked into the ring, Jamie doing also. 
"First round - no powers. Just hand-to-hand and stamina. Go." 

Naturally I waited for Jamie to throw the first hit. He did. I easily blocked his predictable hit and used his force to spin him around, kicking him in the back of the knee and making him fall to the floor. I waited for him to stand up and try again, determination set on his face. I'll be honest when I say that I was surprised when he managed to hit me in the stomach, drawing the slightest breath out of me. However after years of Kilowog training me with hand-to-hand combat, it didn't phase me in the slightest, and I easily maneuvered my body around Jamie, using his weight against him and flipping him over my shoulder. 

He landed with a groan whilst I pressed my knee into his shoulder in order to keep him pinned to the ground. 
"That's enough Nepeta. Time for round two." I acknowledged Nightwing's order and removed my knee, helping Jamie up to his feet. 
"Wow, playing nice for once, Nepeta?" Jamie smirked. I let out a scoff, walking to my side of the circle. 
"Don't fall in love with me quite yet, Bug." I grinned, knowing how easy it was for Jamie to get flustered by my comments. 

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