Red Hood x Reader

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Requested by: wonderms


Y/N = Your Name


"But did you see the way they looked at me?" Jason boasted as we walked into the apartment. I rolled my eyes and removed my mask. 
"Can you please shut up about that?" I begged, rubbing my temples. "You've been going off about it ever since we saved those girls from being brought and sold to offshore buyers." Jason's smirk didn't waver.
"I even managed to get one of the girls' number." I scoffed and watched as he flopped onto the couch, arrogant as ever.
"Would you quit upping yourself? It's ridiculous."
"You're just jealous you don't get as much attention as I do," Jason countered, lying comfortably on the couch. I rolled my eyes and walked to the connected kitchen.
"I don't do this for the fans or autographs, Jase," I said as I grabbed a can of soft drink. 
"I dunno, (Y/N) - this seems way more convincing that any other reason to beat the crap out of idiots." 

I slammed my can on the kitchen bench. A small fire of anger lit up in my stomach.
"You've really let this get to your head, haven't you?" Jason sat up from the couch, staring at me. 
"So?" He said with a hostile tone.
"'So'? Jason, what the hell is wrong with you? What the hell happened to ridding bad guys and helping people who need it?" Jason scoffed.
"That's not a real satisfaction," he mumbled. I clenched my hand around the can.
"A 'real' satisfaction?" I breathed a laugh. "You think Batman does this for the satisfaction of girls running up to him and begging for his attention." Jason got up from the couch, walking over to me menacingly, pointing at me in a warning manner. It didn't move me in any way. 
"Don't you dare talk about him." I glared and smacked his hand away.
"Get fucked, Jason," I said, before grabbing my jacket and storming out of the apartment. I would be lying if I said a part of me was broken when the sound of his footsteps running after me didn't appear.

I wiped the back of my bloodstained hands on my jeans as I stormed up the apartments staircase. After heading to the bar, a gang of men decided to try and corner me into an alley way. It was their own mistake. So giving my hand a final wipe, I entered my apartment. Aside from the outer lights of passing cars and lamp posts shinning through the window, the room was pitch black. Throwing my jacket to the side, I sneaked into the kitchen and washed my hands, blood still staining my finger nails. I sighed and dried my hands on towel, throwing it into the hamper as I walked to my room.

Upon passing Jason's room, a loud thud erupted from the inside, along with a high-pitched giggle. I raised a brow, mumbling, "Jason?" as I opened the door. I let out a small shriek and covered my mouth with my hand. Jason quickly attempted to cover himself with a sheet, as well as the girl next to him.
"This is the girl that gave you her number?" I asked with a small voice. Jason nodded nimbly as I looked at her.
"Let me guess," I said, "you have a great personality?" The girls mouth feel open in shock, and Jason automatically went to defend her.
"You can't just-"
"Just what? Feel sorry for myself and pick up some random girl to make myself feel better?" Jason looked like he wanted to bite back at me, but kept himself back. I shook my head.
"Fuck you, Todd." I looked at the girl. "Don't get attached to him - he'll probably sleep with some other girl the second he can."
"(Y/N) - wait!" But it was too late - I was already sprinting down the steps, and onto the streets of downtown Gotham.

Shoving my hands into my jeans pockets, I let out a puff of air, a flow of white following out. Clenching my jaw shut, I sat down on the park bench. I spared a second to pull my hands out of my pockets, blowing on them and rubbing them together in attempt to warm them; it didn't. I sniffed and glanced up. The park was silent as thoughts clouded my head. I knew that I had no one to go to; everyone Jason was friends with I was almost practically friends with; everyone who trusted him trusted me; and no one trusted Jason. Except me. 

I sighed and raked my hands through my hair, resting my elbows on my knees. All of my emotions finally fell into one, and tears began to fall from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away, reminding myself that I couldn't allow my emotions to overrule in any situation. I sucked in a deep breath, letting it out with all of my anxieties at once. However the feeling returned when I saw Jason running over to me. I quickly stood from the seat, shoving my hands back in my pockets and walked in the opposite direction. 
"(Y/N)!" Jason called out. I ignored him, only picking up my pace. I didn't bother to run, knowing fully well that he could easily catch up to me. He grasped my shoulder, turning me around forcefully. I kept my gaze trained on the ground as Jason spoke, apologies and excuses spewing from his mouth.
"I-I'm sorry," he said, finally. "I just- I didn't think you cared." This time I looked at him.
"I always cared, Jason. Ever since I saved your ass from getting beaten outside that bar; ever since I took you home to my apartment and fixed your wounds; ever since I let you sleep on my couch and woke up to you gone the next morning; I always cared. You just didn't bother to see it." Jason hesitantly touched the side of my face, lulling me to look at him.

His eyes were deeper than usual, as if they were hiding something. I wanted ask what it was, but was silenced by his lips falling onto mine. My eyes widened in shock, unsure what to do. When Jason realized I didn't return the favor, he pulled away slowly, the look in his eyes replaced with sorrow.
"I-I can't, Jason," I said, swallowing nervously, with the feeling of his lips still lingering on mine. I pulled away from his touch. "Not knowing that someone else has touched you, I can't- I can't even look at you without knowing that someone else has looked at you the same way." Jason took a step closer.
"But I want to look at you that way. Hell, I always do. Even when you're not looking, I'll stare at you like you're the ocean, and I'm desperate to drown." I stared at him silently.
"I'm sorry, Jason. I can't."

I willed for my legs to turn around and walk away. I didn't care where they would lead me - I just wanted to be out of the moment. However, not even when it started to rain, did I move. Suddenly, Jason reached out and grabbed my arm, guiding me to a nearby tree to try and shelter us from the rain. I wrapped my arms around myself, watching the rain pelt against the ground. I glanced from the corner of my eye to see Jason removing his jacket.
"What are you-" My question was answered before I could finish it, as Jason placed the jacket over my shoulders, his face still nimble. I smiled sadly, gripping the jacket slightly. 

Tears began to fall from my eyes, and I quickly tried to wipe them away. Jason didn't say anything as he pulled me close to him, wiping away the tears flowing down my face.
"Why are you crying?" He whispered.
"I-I'm just confused," I confessed. "You put up this wall around you, and refuse to let anyone in. But suddenly you're running after me and giving me your jacket like this is some goddamn chick flick." Jason smiled slightly at my words, continuing to rest his hand on the side of my face.
"I can't keep doing this," I whispered.
"Doing what?"
"Pretending that I don't still have feelings for you, Todd. Because I do." A light flickered in his eyes.
"That day when you saved me ass, I thought to myself, why is this girl helping me? Why does she care so much? And that showed me that caring for someone is okay - to know that they're safe and living - it's okay; to show emotions and be human is okay. You sparked something, (Y/N)," he breathed, staring at me. "You sparked something I never thought I'd have again - I love you." 

Without giving me a chance to reply, he quickly pressed his lips to mine. I was quickly to comply, pulling myself closer and wrapping my arms around his neck. The kiss was a mix of emotions and tears, and when I pulled away to breath in, I quickly leaned back in, wanting more. I pulled away, slightly gasping for air. Jason wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me into a hug.
"Please give me a chance." I smiled slightly and pulled back to look him in the eyes.
"For you? A million chances."


R.I.P Christina Grimmie - you did not deserve what happened to you. Best wishes for her brother

Okay so this piece has actually inspired me to write another piece which will be coming later SO BE READY FOR THAT

Also I know that this is a Young Justice one-shot book, but you can also request whatever DC characters you would like! Because like I said you can also request for other League members and such

So if you would like to request something, please let me know by either commenting or messaging me directly

Chika chika


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