Zatanna x Reader

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A/N: so basically this is in season 1, and also Zatanna's dad isn't Dr. Fate bc she deserves to be happy <3

Requested by: LilLovelyBander


Y/N = Your Name

S/H/N = Superhero Name

* * *

"Again," Dr. Fate said as you blasted your rays across the desert of a foreign planet. The planet was small and green but only consisted of dirt and rock, no clear view of vegetation or life anywhere. You had used your magic so you were able to breathe on the planet, unsure of exactly how Dr. Fate was breathing, or if he was actually breathing at all.

"That's as far as I can go," you panted, wiping the sweat away from your upper lip. 

"You must try harder," Dr. Fate lectured, pressing his hand firmly on your shoulder. "You have a destiny awaiting you in the near future. You must be ready for it."

Mentally rolling your eyes, you let out a sigh, straightening your stance. Destiny can bite my arse. You thought to yourself. Taking a breath, you raised your arms. Putting in all of your focus, you executed a beam of white light, fizzes of electricity around it. You then focused on the planet you were on, imagining it being surrounded with protection, like a bubble. 

Unaware of your glowing eyes, you gazed upwards, seeing the protective layer over the planet. You smiled, knowing you had achieved another level of your powers. You were five when they had begun to develop, and being an orphan, you were unable to trust anyone with the powers. That was until Dr. Fate found you.

"Admirable," Dr. Fate said, no hint of pride in his voice, but you had grown next to it, knowing that his words were honest and full of faith. 

"Can we go back now?" You asked, pulling on the fabric of your costume.

"Why so eager?" Dr. Fate asked.

"It's. . . the team."

"Are you needed on a mission?"

"No. . . it's actually movie night. And they're playing all of the Jurassic Park films - in one sitting!"

Sensing your excitement, Dr. Fate released an inaudible sigh. "You have to train twice as long for a whole week, (S/H/N)."

Grinning, you gave your mentor a quick hug, which, of course, he didn't reciprocate. "Thanks a lot, old man!"

You laughed at your own words, before teleporting yourself to Mt. Justice.

Upon arrival, you immediately began to ramble to the whole team. "Am I late? Please don't tell me I'm late!"

"(Y/N)! Calm down!" Zatanna said, resting her hands on your shoulders. She let out a small laugh, that you couldn't help but admire. "We were waiting for you to show up."

Walking to the lounge area, you let out an awkward laugh. "Well, you know what mentors are like."

"Tell me about it," Zatanna said, rolling her eyes. You wished you could look at her eyes forever, but instead you forced yourself to watch the cinematic masterpiece, Jurassic Park.

* * *

As promised, you trained twice as hard and twice as long for a whole week with Dr. Fate, and it was clear that your skills were increasing. You were able to produce spells in less than a second, and they lasted through everything, even when Dr. Fate had attempted his own attacks. 

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