Arsenal x Reader

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Requested by: AgenderSatan


Y/N = Your Name

* * *

Your death wasn't beautifully quick and clean as it is in the movies. You weren't given a final breath of life nor sputter a word from the blood that bubbled and gagged your throat. Your tears had eventually mixed with the blood as you stared up at Roy, his words blubbering and you could hardly make sense of the world around you. Your death was slow and painful, gorged in red and torn skin. No words came as you choked on your blood, lips, cheeks and neck stained with the liquid.

"Please don't leave me," Roy begged as you gave no response. It was pointless - you were dead whether you liked it or not. His screams mixed with anger and fear, as his teammates stood behind him, unable to find the courage to help Roy, nor comprehend that you were really gone.

* * *

Roy had refused to go to your funeral as well as talk to anyone else on the team. Because who did he have to talk to? Even since he had become Arsenal, he was a new person, and no one knew who he really was until you came along.

Unable to contain his emotions he turned to drinking - stealing bottles or using a fake ID in order to gain the toxically addicting beverage. Roy was alone. Lonely. Afraid. And he thinks his only friend is a drink.

When he had first thought he had seen you, he thought it was the alcohol that was poisoning his mind each night. He saw the tears that rolled down your cheeks, your hands caressing his jaw and whispering for him to stop - to return to the team because they needed him.

Roy had sobered up the next morning, suddenly fearful that seeing you had only been a dream. But you were there - your floating-like figure sitting at the end of his bed with a smile. You never spoke above a whisper, but Roy couldn't have cared less - you were there. You were there with him.

* * *

Roy had gone running through the zeta tubes, a smile on his worn face.

"Roy?" Tim said as he walked up to the ginger, Cassie and Jaime following behind him. "Are you okay? You weren't at (Y/N)'s-"

"Don't mind that," Roy said, cutting the boy off. "She's okay. (Y/N) is okay - I saw her."

Tim glanced at Cassie.

"Roy," Cassie mumbled sadly, desperately chewing on her bottom lip to keep the tears from falling. "(Y/N)- she's- you were hallucinating, Roy."

Roy's smile faltered, replaced with agony and confusion. "What? N-no! I saw her!"

"You smell like spirits, esè. Go home and rest," Jaime said, trying to reassure Roy with a smile.

Roy's frightened eyes glanced between his teammates, their unbelieving faces boring into him. Roy shook his head, his throat beginning to hurt from the tears that wanted to spill.

He swallowed. "Okay. Okay - I'll do that then."

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