Shazam x Reader

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Requested by: DamiansBeloved


Y/N = Your Name


Getting along with Billy Batson was a struggle, to say the least. He was loud, dramatic, arrogant, and honestly? He had a tendency in coming on a little too strong. So when he asked me to go to the carnival on the coast of Happy Harbour with him of course, I said no.
"Please!" He whined childishly, following me out the library. The sun was ready to go down, much like I was ready to get home and have a long shower. Billy clearly didn't want me to go anywhere.
"I said no, Billy," I scoffed, tugging my bag over my shoulder.
"Why not?" He asked, huffing as he crossed his arms over his chest. I sighed and hung my head before looking back at him.
"It's because I don't like you, Batson." His eyes softened slightly and his arms fell to his sides, and I immediately wanted to take back what I said. But all I could mumble was a quick sorry, turning around and walking home.

The walk back home from the library took exactly twenty minutes. Or at least I should've, if it weren't for the feeling of someone following me. Each time I turned around, however, no one was there to take responsibility for the sound. So I just kept walking, wanting the person to just walk down another street. But when I made a left, they made a left; when I took a right, they took a right; when I speed up, they sped up, too. This continued until I was tugged by the back of my school bag and slammed into a wall. I choked on my breath, a knife quickly thrusted to my throat.
"Scream and I'll cut out those pretty vocal chords you have," the attacker growled. I nodded, my jaw tight in fear. As he lashed out to grab my bag, a sudden crack of lightning appeared, alongside a booming "shazam!" Before I could even comprehend the situation, my attacker was already sprinting down the street, a small, hot trail of smoke on the back of his shoe.

I felt my body grow even more still as I tried to comprehend the situation. Looking to the right, my eyes widened at the sight of Captain Marvel, who stood there with a bold smirk on his face. He turned to me and his grin brightened.
"Uh, thanks?" I said, trying to ease the awkward tension. He didn't really seem to feel it.
"Just doing my part in trying to help pretty girls." I stared at him in astonishment.
"Aren't you like. . . ten years older than me?" I said, taking a step to maneuver around him. His face dropped slightly, reminding me of Billy's, almost.
"Wha- oh, yeah."

The awkward tension quickly came crawling back, and I found myself begging for this man to just leave me and go home.
"You go to the school near here, right?" I nodded in response. "I-I have a friend who goes there. . . I think you might know him."
"Who?" I asked, internally eager to know.
"Billy Batson."
"Batson? How do you know-"
"He's a good friend - do him a favor and go to that carnival with him."
"And why should I?" I asked, biting my tongue.

Captain Marvel sighed and hung his head, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Maybe I should just show you," he mumbled. I kept my back pressed against the wall.
"What do you-" A crash of lightning appeared as Captain Marvel belted a loud "shazam!" I shielded my face from the sudden burst of energy, slowly bringing my arms back down when it stopped.
"Billy?! When did you get here?!" He looked at me in surprise.
"What? I was- I'm-"
"Where did Captain Marvel go? Whe-" I slowly came to the realisation, my eyes landing on Billy. "Wait a sec! You're Captain-" Billy quickly put a hand over my mouth, stopping me from finishing my sentence. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off me, still trying to recover from my shock.
"You're telling me that you, Billy Batson, turn into that, that man-child whenever you please?" Billy frowned at me.
"'He' is still me, you know," he growled, crossing his arms over his chest. His face softened. "So, will you go to the carnival with me?" I stared at him, amazed and irritated that he was still trying to get me to go after what had just happened. He was surprisingly calm.
". . . fine - but I have to ask my mum first."

"I can't believe I actually let you convince me to get on this thing," I sighed as I watched Billy pull the handle bars down over us. He grinned at me wickedly.
"Need me to hold your hands? This thing gets pretty fast." I scowled at him, gripping the handle bar.
"In your dreams, Batson." The rollercoaster suddenly jolted forwards, and made its way up the steep ramp.
"H-hey, Billy?" I quietly spoke up, keeping my eyes trained on the track in front of us.
"You know how I said 'I hate you' the other day?"
"Let me guess," he said with a smirk. "You want to take it back." I shook my head as we climbed closer to the top at an agonizingly slow pace.
"Actually, no. I still hate you." My words gradually turned into a scream as we began to descend on the roller coaster, a loud shriek leaving my mouth.

The roller coaster continued its way along the winding track, making my body smash into Billy's a couple of times. But each time we would both let out a loud laugh, letting out loud screams of pure joy.
"Hate me now?" He asked as we slowly drew to a stop. I shook my head and looked over at him.
"Y-you're hair," I said as I stifled a laugh behind my hand. Billy let out a yelp and quickly tried to recover his hair that stuck out and defied the laws of gravity. But then again, he could turn into a grown man in the blink of an eye. We went on the ride five more times before Billy threw up.

We ended up wandering down to the beachside next to the carnival, staring as the sun sat above the water.
"What's it like?" I whispered. Billy cocked his head at me, but I didn't bother to turn to him.
"What's what like?"
"What's it like. . . to be up there?" I asked, my voice still quiet, but this time I was looking above the sun and at the stars that were sitting in the sky. "What's it like to be up there in the sky and be. . . be free?"
"It's like- you feel like- I think it-" Billy let out a sigh and leaned back onto his elbows, digging them into the sand. "I can't describe it. . . it's too much for words. Or there aren't enough." I snorted slightly, finally glancing at him.
"Look at you becoming all cliche and poet like." Billy scoffed, yet grinned and grew red at my words.

"Can I tell you something?" Billy said, avoiding eye contact with me this time. "Anything," I said automatically. "I mean, I already know you're Captain Marvel for crying out loud. . . what is it?" Billy was quiet, chewing at the corner of his bottom lip. "I. . . I really like you," he quickly blurted. My eyes widened and I felt a feeling in my chest appear that I hadn't felt before when other people told me the same thing. Billy quickly turned to me when I didn't speak up."I-I understand if you don't-""I like you, too," I said quickly, keeping my eyes level with his. I smiled hesitantly. "Even if you are the most annoying guy in our school." Billy rolled his eyes with a blush, standing up and wiping the sand off himself. I copied his actions, giving my arms a stretch."Can I hold your hand now?""Of course, you doofus."  


When teacher tells us to do an essay that's due on the last day of school

This time, the aesthetic was made by me because there aren't any good ones for Billy and I cry

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This time, the aesthetic was made by me because there aren't any good ones for Billy and I cry.

Also, I decided to publish my Terry McGinnis fanfic because I'm a loser and I really like the idea I'm going with so yeah, fight me. But also do me a favour and check it out PLEASE!

If you would like to request something, please send it to me either in the comments or by messaging me directly.

Chika chika


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