Arsenal x Reader

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Requested by: Hottspot


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name


My eyes darted between Oliver, Roy, and the other Roy who laid on the hospital bed, glaring between us with a bitter scowl.
"So let me get this straight," he said. "While I was on ice you found another Roy Harper, the sidekicks formed their own team, aliens invaded the Eart, Oliver got two more sidekicks, and at the same time, he grew that Dobie goatee?" I glanced towards the other Roy as he let a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"We try not to call ourselves sidekicks."
"You don't like the goatee?" Oliver asked, rubbing his chin. 
"I'm not even with him," I said, jabbing my thumb at Oliver. Sure, I had taken up the name 'Arrowette', but it sure as hell didn't mean I stuck around enough to even remotely be called Green Arrow's sidekick as if I'd let that get pinned to me anyways. Roy was skeptical at first, but Artemis was just genuinely happy that there was another girl nearby.
"Who are you?" Roy asked, glaring at me suspiciously. I eyed him back.
"Arowette - (Y/N) (L/N) - not Arrow's sidekick." 

The Roy in the bed glared harder.
"So missing the point," he growled. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest tightly, waiting for him to get over his small fit. "All three of you have been talking about it all day! Now I want answers. What happened to me? How can there be another Roy Harper? And what happened to my arm!" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes once more and allowed the other Roy to take a seat next to, um, Roy. I took my own seat in the corner of the room, waiting for the entire conversation before me to collapse.

"Okay, okay. We wanted to wait until you were strong enough but I guess the moments here."

"The moment's passed," the boy in the bed spat hatefully. "Get to it." The clone stared at his original sorrowfully.

"What's the last thing you remember before we found you in Tibet?"

"I-I've been trying to piece that together," Roy said faintly, suddenly empty of anger. His eyes fell to lap, almost embarrassed, I thought. "I-I remember investigating a Lexcorp's shell company that we suspected of smuggling weapons to North Malaysia. . . some Lexcorp goon got the drop on me. . . I-I remember feeling embarrassed. . . then nothing." He had slowly raised his head, his eyes dropping on Oliver.

"That's right. They grabbed you and, the thing is Roy," Oliver said lowly, his eyes saddening as he looked at Roy. "That was eight years ago." Roy's eyes widened.

"What?!" He yelled. The clone let out another sigh, wringing his wrists tensely.

"Lex Luthor and the Light - this, criminal organization he works with - abducted you; they amputated your arm."

"Wh-why? To keep me from using my bow?!" 

I watched monotonously as the three bickered back and forth, and it quickly started to become heated.
"I dunno seems to me the clone did nothing wrong," Roy spat when his clone attempted to leave the room, the tension growing thick. "He didn't ask to be created, but he found me. I can't blame him for this. . . but I can blame you!" He yelled, reaching out and tugging Oliver closer threateningly. I stood up from my chair.
"We were partners, how could you not know I had been replaced? How could you leave me in Luthor's hands for eight years?!" His hand loosened from Oliver's shirt, and I took another step closer. "And how did I not see how useless you are. . . get out. . . get out!" Oliver hesitated before standing from the bed, leaving the room.

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