Batfamily x Reader

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Requested by: FallerN618


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

* * *

"Hey Alfred, it's me, (Y/N), your granddaughter. I'm at the store picking out food for dinner tonight. Let me know if there's anything extra you'd like me to pick up." With a sigh, you tapped the red button on your phone screen, slipping the device into your back pocket. "Please call back," you mumbled. "I don't even know which butter I should get."

Another sighed escaped your lips as you shuffled down aisle. You had been planning a surprise visit to the Wayne Manor for a couple of months now, taking it a step further with a dinner and setting decorations around the manor. You had first begun visiting almost ten years ago, but stopped a few years back due to your studies.

You hummed a small tune lowly before your phone ringing startled you.

"Hey, granddad," you answered, "so any suggestions on the dessert?"

"Yes, my day has been well, (Y/N)."

Laughing to yourself, you shook your head. "And with old age comes faster wits, I see." It was Alfred's turn to laugh.

"So, I assume you're struggling with dinner and dessert?"

"And the appetizers," you mumbled. 

As Alfred gave you a list, you started shoving the items into your cart. As you were about to go down the frozen aisle, you spotted a family member of the Wayne family.

"Shit," you mumbled, immediately ducking back into the other aisle. "I thought you had sent everyone out so that we could prep the meals and stuff early."

"Of course I did," Alfred said.

"Then how come Richard Grayson is standing in the frozen aisle in the very same supermarket that I'm in."

"Oh," Alfred mumbled. "What an inconvenience."

"Hey, be thankful its been almost two years since-"


"I gotta go." Quickly ending the call, you smiled at Richard. "H-hey, Richard," you greeted.

He automatically embraced you in a hug, to which you automatically returned. "What are you doing here. And what's with all the food?"

"I- um- I'm meeting with someone!"

Dick raised a brow. "Who is 'someone'?"

You decided to lie even more. "Just some guy I met online."

Dick smirked even more. "A guy online, huh? How do you know it's not some catfish."

"We've skyped a few times," you stated. "It was nice seeing you, but, I have to go."

"Oh, well, Merry Christmas then," Dick said with a smile before waving goodbye.

Returning the gesture, you took your cart, shoved in a bunch of random flavors of ice cream into your cart, and headed towards the checkouts, a long string of curses ringing in your mind.

* * *

I'm here. You texted Alfred as you headed into the drive way, parking the car into the already open garage. Alfred was already waiting for you, a large smile on his face.

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