Batman x Reader

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Requested by: tacoreo77


Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name


Working at the Daily Planted has its tendencies, especially when it came to working with Clark Kent and the all-time Lois Lane. I couldn't complain, however, they both help me with my career in journalism (but if you asked, I'd say Lois is better to work with because I got time out of the office). It's just these tendencies could become a little more stressful than others, with piles of paper and research stocked up on desks and stuffed into bags. Especially just after finishing an article about Metropolis' golden boy, Superman, verses Gotham's Dark Night, Batman.

So that's why I was already up to my third coffee on Friday morning. I glanced at Clark and Lois, who seemed to be in a deep discussion before a smile cracked itself on Clark's face.
"Morning, (Y/N)," Perry greeted as he walked past the small bar. I jumped suddenly, attempting to stop myself from dropping the coffee.
"M-morning, Perry," I said awkwardly, attempting to fix myself.
"Have you gotten any sleep this week?" Perry asked with concern. I rolled my eyes.
"Don't worry, Perry. I've gotten my eight hours of sleep. . ." Perry stared at me with a suspicious look. ". . . in total. . . for this week," I mumbled, taking a pop tart out of the small cabinet and unwrapping it. Perry sighed.
"Well, don't be afraid to go home early if you need, I'm sure Kent and Lane didn't mean to make you work so-"

Perry fell silent, as did the rest of the office. I glanced around seeing everyone look to the elevator doors. Being one of the shorter employee's, I struggled to get a proper look at the man, or woman, that entered the level. Perry seemed to, however, as he rushed past me with a bright grin on his face.
"Ah, Mr. Wayne!" He said over the silence of the office. I stood higher on my toes this time, eager to see the famous billionaire. I glanced to Clark and Lois, whom of which Bruce Wayne greeted first. When Clark and Bruce shook hands, I could see Clark's smile turn into an almost bitter one. I thought back to Clark explaining his first meeting with Bruce at Lex Luthor's gala.
"Nice to see you again," Clark said with a tight jaw. Bruce's was slackened, as if he had gone through the procedure over a thousand times - he probably had.

I stared as Bruce continued to eye over to the rest over the rest of the office, eventually connecting with mine. Inwardly panicking, I shoved the pop tart into what I prayed was the toaster. But instead of it being a toaster, it turned out to be what was really one of the fax machines. I tore my eyes away from Bruce's feeling my face flush bright red.
"Oh, crap," I whispered, continuing to spit profanities at an alarming rate. "Please don't, please don't- fuck," I continued as I tried to pull the pop tart out of the top. Suddenly a hand passed over mine, pulling the plug from the main port in the wall. I let out a sigh and laughed to myself.
"Thank you so mu-" My words were caught in my throat as I came face to face with Bruce Wayne. He smiled gently at me, clearing his throat and sticking out his hand for me to shake.
"Bruce Wayne," he greeted. I quickly shook his hand.
"(Y/N) (L/N)," I quickly blurted, my face still stained with a red blush.
"So, do you try to put pop tarts in fax machines often or?" I quickly shook my head, letting out an awkward laugh.
"N-no, of course not. I just, uh- i-it's been a really long week, and I haven't exactly caught up on my sleep recently because of what's going on between Batman and Superman, and-"
"Batman and Superman?" He question with a raised brow, a slight smirk playing on his lips.
"I, uh- yeah. I work with Clark Kent and Lois Lane. They've been showing me the ropes basically." Bruce nodded slowly, processing my words.
"Well, I'm due for an interview with one of the employee's of the Daily Planet," he said, staring at me. My face continued to heat up as I realized what he was asking.
"O-oh. Well, I can take you into one of the interview rooms and-" Bruce let out a small laugh, stopping me from continuing my blabber.
"I was thinking we could do it over dinner tonight - that is, if you're free?" I quickly nodded my head, a smile forming on my face. An interview with Gotham's billionaire Bruce Wanye?! This will have to show Perry I'm up for more than just spitting nonsense about superheroes.
"Meet me at restaurant on the corner of Avery Street - oh, and wear something nice," he said with a twitch of a smirk and walking away to talk with Perry.

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