Blue Beetle x Reader

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Requested by: sonicgirl11


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


"Stay focused," Dinah said as we made our way to the zeta tube. I grunted as I almost missed a step on the rooftop. 
"I know, it's just-" I jumped a gap. "I've never worked with anyone other than you and Oliver. What if they don't like me?" Dinah stopped with a sigh, resting a hand on my shoulder as I came to a stop next to her. 
"They're a good team, (Y/N). They all have powers just like you - they're no different. Besides," she said with a smirk, "you're my niece. If they don't like you then I'll just make their training harder." I grinned slightly. 
"Now lets go. We wouldn't want (S/H/N) to be late on their first day."

Once we arrived inside Mount Justice, I felt all confidence in my stomach wear away.
"Um, hi," I began awkwardly after Dinah introduced me to the group of teens. Suddenly, a boy with wide green eyes speed up to me.
"Hi I'm Bart Allen." He stretched an arm out to me to shake. "Welcome to fight club." 
"For the final time, amigo, we're not calling it that." A boy with olive skin stepped forward, his arms crossed over his chest with a frown. The green-eyed boys arm fell back to his side when he looked back at his friend. 
"Oh, come on, hermano - it's crash." The other boy didn't seem too convinced. He shook his head and stepped past his friend, holding out his arm and smiling faintly.
"Jaime Reyes - Blue Beetle." I smiled weakly and shook his head.
"So, how's about a tour of this place?" 

A month later and everything had settled peacefully after my arrival. Every few days or so, Dinah would visit to see how things were going.
"It's amazing," I said after she asked, leaning back in my seat. "I thought everyone was going to hate me, or see me as someone different." Dinah grinned at my response.
"So the team haven't exactly been affected by your arrival in any way?" I shook my head.
"I don't think so," I said as I chewed my inner cheek. "Jaime's been showing me the ropes, mostly. I think he-"
"Wait - Jaime?" I looked at her quizzically.
"Yeah?" Something flickered in her eyes that I struggled to catch. She glanced at the clock at the other side of the room.
"That's all the time we have for today, (Y/N). Plus, you're training begins soon." I stared at her, unsure of her sudden mood switch. 
"Okay." I stood cautiously from my seat, glancing over my shoulder before I left. 

When I arrived at the training room, the team had already begun. 
"(S/H/N) - you're late," Nightwing noted as he watched Robin and Impulse going foot-to-foot.
"Got held up," I excused quickly, standing next to Jaime. 
"Who d'you think is gonna win?" He whispered to me, his eyes focused on Bart and Robin. I shrugged.
"Robin, most likely - he's been training harder recently."
"Why's that?" I shrugged again.
"How much would you be training if you were the protege to Batman?" Jaime nodded understandingly. 

"(S/H/N), Blue Beetle - you're versing," Nightwing ordered, entering our names onto the computer. I nodded and removed my jacket.
"Don't hold back on me," I said to Jaime before I went to the opposite side of the ring. He grinned.
"You're on." I clicked my neck as I got into a ready stance. Jaime, meanwhile, suited himself up as the blue armor covered his body. As soon as the word 'go' left Nightwing's mouth, I hurled my body to Jaime, swinging multiple surprise attacks on him. It worked slightly, as his leg was merely inches away from the line of the ring. However, he managed to catch one of my kicks, flipping me over. Twisting my body I landed neatly before getting back up to my feet. 
"Nice trick," I smirked. Jaime's face matched my own.
"Learned it from you." There was a small stir in my stomach but I quickly made it vanished when Jaime came at me one last time. Out of pure instinct, I grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his side. He landed with a loud, painful groan. 
"Alright, that's enough," Nightwing said in attempt to intervene, but it seemed that Jaime's scarab had a different idea. Jaime's suit formed a plasma canon, and was aimed straight at me.
"Wait- stop!" He used his other hand to try and move it away, but it wouldn't move. Much like me. I was still in the same place, unable to move. It wasn't until his plasma canon fired that realization hit me. Instinctively, I let out a canary cry, deflecting the attack back at Jaime. His head flew back with the rest of his body, slamming against the wall. I covered my mouth as tears automatically spilled over, letting out small whimpers. 
"Help me get him to the infirmary!" Nightwing order as he picked up Jaime's deflated body. Collapsing to my knees, I watched as Nightwing, Bart and Conner took Jaime to the infirmary.

The echoes of the beeping machines bounced off the walls as the respiratory machine accompanied it. I rested my arms on the end of Jaime's bed, staring tiredly at his still unconscious body. I'm so sorry, Jaime. I thought to myself uselessly. 
"(Y/N)." I jumped as a hand suddenly rested itself on my shoulder. I turned around swiftly and looked up at Dinah. I let out a small sigh and looked back at Jaime.
"I know you're worried about him, but he's a strong boy - he'll pull through." I shook my head, digging my face into my arms as they laid on the white sheets. 
"It's not you're fault." But it is.
"It's okay." But it's not. Dinah sighed and removed her hand from my shoulder, walking back over to Nightwing.
"She hasn't been like this for years."
"You mean she's done this before?" Nightwing asked, his voice showing slight concern. 
"Yes - how do you think she found out about her powers? The first time she did it a man was trying to take her away. She let out a scream so loud it flipped the car as well. The man didn't make it."
"And she regrets it?" Dinah sighed again.
"Of course she does. She still does, I think. I'm worried that she'll never forgive herself. Especially after today."

I stayed in the infirmary for the rest of the week. Jaime would stir from time to time, but wouldn't fully awaken. I rarely moved from my spot, only for a few minutes to eat or go to the bathroom. But other than that I was glued to the side of his bed. Please wake up. I thought as I rested my hand on his, rubbing it with my thumb. Don't leave me, Jaime. Suddenly, Jaime sat upright from the bed, his head whipping around as he glanced around the room. 
"What- why- where-" His eyes landed on mine, and a bright smile covered his face. He pulled me into a tight hug which I gratefully returned. A few tears flowed down my cheeks as I gripped his back. 
"Hey, hey, hey," he soothed as he pulled away, wiping away my tears. "Don't cry for me, I'm fine!" I let out a small laugh and covered my mouth, afraid that another canary cry would leave. Jaime looked at me with concern. 
"Are you okay?" He asked. I removed my hand and looked down, unable to look into his sad eyes. 
"Why aren't you saying anything?" He tried again. I spared a glance up at him before resting a few fingers on my throat. His eyes widened then softened as he placed a hand gently on my cheek. 
"It was an accident," he claimed, "it wasn't your fault." I pursed my lips and averted my eyes to the side of the room. He leaned closer.
"Please," he begged, "I want to hear that beautiful voice of yours once more." I stared back at him. 
"B-but it's dangerous," I mumbled, "I'm dangerous." Jaime looked at me with hope in his eyes.
"Yes, but," he stopped himself, glancing at my lips, "you're dangerously beautiful." As he leaned closer, I followed, before I lurched forwards and pressed my lips against his. My hands wandered up to the sides of his face before entangling themselves in his hair. I let out a shaky breath as I pulled away, resting my forehead against Jaime's.

We stared at each in silence. 
"I'm so sorry. I'll never be able to forgive myself," I mumbled, my hands still resting in his hair. He smiled at me.
"I know," he whispered, "but I forgive you. I always will."


pssh no i was NOT listening to Jennifer Lopez while writing this.  

Also please comment here if you're all for a Green Lantern / Hal Jordan fanfic ((because I'm not quite sure if people will actually read it and I am a child))

If you want to request anything please let me know either by commenting or messaging me directly. 

Chika chika


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