Red Arrow x Reader

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Requested by: AlexisAllen104 (honestly please check her out guys!!)


Y/N = Your Name


I sighed as I took a bite from my apple, sitting perched on one of the many buildings of Gotham. I stared down at my crossbow, thumb grazing over the top of the carvings. I could still recollect the day I got the bow from my parents; the first lesson they gave me; my first hunt - which was a complete mess from the start.

I shuddered, remembering their dead bodies in the car, two bullets through the windscreen and in their skulls. A note had been shoved into my father's hand, reading for me to leave the town before I was next. So I took whatever experiences I had as a 16 year old, and left. 

My grip became tense around the handle of the bow, my eyebrows narrowing in anger. That was almost five years ago, and I still hadn't found the person who had killed my parents, because if the cops weren't able to do anything - I was. 

I was about to take another bite of my apple when I heard the sound of a fist connecting with someones jaw, echoing a sickening crack down the alley way.

I lowered myself so I could just barely see over the edge. Who the hell is this guy? I thought, watching as he twisted his body, kicking the guy in the knees before kicking his stomach. 

I pulled my bow back, the stock lodged in my shoulder. I took out one of the black bows from my quiver, the feather tipped with yellow, pulling it back until it clicked into place in the barrel. My grip stayed strong for any openings, but every time it seemed he was going to get knocked down, he would dodge and put the man back down in a second. 

But when one of the men managed to remove the ginger's bow from his hand, everything seemed to collapse. The man punched him in the gut, kneeing him in the face when he bent over, sending him to the ground. The man pulled a gun from his back pocket, aiming it down at the archer. 

I took the opportunity, sending an arrow straight into his hand, the tip exposed on the other side. He let out a sickening cry, dropping the gun and holding his limp hand. And when the archer managed to get back up and knock the man down, I didn't waste any time and fled the scene, the apple still in my mouth. 

Months followed of this - he would be in a struggle, I would just so happen to be there, I would save him and flee before he could find me. So when I saw him for the sixth time in the same month - I didn't think anything of it. 

But once he had knocked the last thug to the ground, his first move was pointing an arrow at me and fire, and I knew something was wrong. So when I barely dodged the arrow, I lost my footing and fell off the building, managing to catch myself before reaching the bottom. I held onto the grating underneath the metal steps, grunting from hitting the railing above. 

"Behind you," I huffed, hoping he had heard me. He kept his bow raised at me, keeping his aim steady. I scowled and raised my arm, firing my arrow, narrowly missing the archer and the thug that had managed to get himself back up off the ground. 

Slinging my crossbow over my shoulder, I hauled myself up onto the steps outside the empty building, staring down at the ginger who had his mouth agape. 
"Who are you?!" He growled, pointing his arrow back at me.
"Who the hell are you? I'm not the one in the bright red get-up," I shot back, smirking. He looked even more shocked. 

"Are you kidding? I'm Red Arrow."
"You say that like I'm meant to know." He growled, his muscles tensing.
"Come on - Speedy?"
"Hm. . . nope."
"Are you k-" he sighed. "Green Arrow's previous side kick?"
". . . who the hell is 'Green Arrow'?"
"Do you know anything?!"

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