Kid Flash x Fate!Reader

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A/N: So some of you have been asking for a part two of this and I didn't want to put a 'part 2' at the end of this title because it may confuse some with the last KF x Reader one-shot I did.


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


"You know, I'm still not over the fact that Bruce Wayne is the Batman."
"As you have noted every other Justice League meeting," Fate said, his tone the same as always. I shrugged as I watched through the eyes of the helmet as Fate flew over Earth. It had been five years since I had put on the helmet; five years it had taken to grow used to Fate and his ways; five years of slowly getting used to the fact that somebody was driving behind the wheel of my body; my vessel. 

So while we hovered over the blue planet I had sworn to protect the moment I put on the helmet, I thought nothing of it. 
"It's so beautiful," I said inaudibly, staring as the planet turned as slow as usual. Fate was silent as I continued.
"Did you know that Earth is the only planet not named for a mythological god or goddess?" I waited for Fate to reply. However he continued to stay silent, floating silently over Earth. 
"The other seven planets in the solar system were named after Roman gods or goddesses," I continued, ignoring Fate's silence. "For the five visible to the naked eye, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, they were named during ancient times." Before I could go on any further Fate cut me off. 
"You know much of Earth, don't you, child?" I laughed inwardly. 
"Yeah, I guess. Space was always something I loved. I would stay up late, staring through the telescope and study constell-"
"Do you wish for your old life?" I pursed my lips at Fate's question.
"Of course," I finally replied hesitantly, "being away from a home is hard for anyone."
". . . do you wish sometimes for me to take the helmet off?" Once again I found myself silent. 
"What are you trying to say?" I asked. I could feel as if a hand was placed on my shoulder, but I knew that it wasn't there. It was something Fate would do to comfort me in a way. 

"I believe that it is no longer your time to bare the burden of this helmet." I felt my heart beat begin to race in realization in what was happening.
"You have much more to learn, (Y/N) - maybe one day you will be able to bare the helmet once again." I nodded slowly, feeling my body descend to Earth.
"I'll protect the helmet until it is needed," I said once we landed, just outside the roads of Happy Harbor, Mount Justice just in my line of sight. 
"I want you to promise me one thing, (Y/N)," Fate said as I stared at my old home.
"Promise me that no matter what, you will push yourself to your own self-fulfillment." Before I could reply, Fate removed the helmet. 

My body felt off, at first, and found it hard to find my footing. I looked down at myself and found myself in casual clothing. I ran a hand freely through my now much longer hair, grateful for feeling it for myself in a long time. I stared at the helmet in my other hand. 
"Thank you."

I thought back to the night I put the helmet on, and instantly bright green eyes entered my mind.
"Wally," I whispered with a smile. I sprinted all the way to Mount Justice, opening the garage door and running inside. However as soon I stepped inside, I was greeted with a loud alarm. 
"Woah, woah, woah!" I yelled, covering my ears, making me drop the helmet. 
"Voice recognition; (S/H/N); B-16!" The alarms went silent and I sighed in relief. But the attacks weren't quite over yet. Nightwing sprinted into the room, immediately spotting over and attacking. 
"Who are you?!" He asked, continuing to throw punches. 
"Dick!" I cried, blocking his attacks, "it's me! It's (Y/N)!" He suddenly stopped, his jaw unhinging itself. 
"(Y-Y/N)?" He glanced over at the helmet in the corner. "He let you go? After all these years?" I nodded and stared at him.
"I still can't believe how tall you've gotten - what did Batman give you?" I joked, pulling him into a hug. Nightwing was quick to comply, wrapping his arms around me tightly. 

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