Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader

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Requested by: @MeganMuller2


S/H/N = Superhero Name
E/C = Eye Color
Y/W = Your Weapon


I let out a loud grunt as one of Slade's men hit me in the shoulder blade with the blunt end of his gun. "Wrong move." I glared menacingly, hurling myself towards my attacker, preparing my (Y/W). In a matter of seconds, he was on the ground unconscious. I only just managed to get out of the way of one if Icicle Jr's shards of ice.

It seemed like almost everyone was out to play. Zatanna and Miss Martian were busy against Klarion in Central City, whilst Superboy, Kid Flash and Artemis were in Metropolis, confronting Bane. 

Meanwhile, Robin and I were attempting to fight off Slade and now newly joined, Icicle Junior. I only just managed to duck behind a car when Junior sent more ice my way. I spared a glance over to Robin, who seemed to be falling behind in Slade's attacks. 

"Robin! Wanna switch dance partners?" I called out, gripping my (Y/W) tightly. I saw the side of his mouth tilt up into a smirk as he rolled out of the way of Slade's sword, running over to Icicle Junior.

I smirked to myself and took the opportunity of surprise on Slade. I manage to cut at the side of his leg, exposing the small amount of flesh. 
"Oh, guess you aren't immortal after all, Slade." I grinned and pulled my leg back into a ready stance. 
"Just enough," Slade growled, preparing his katana. 

"You used to better at this," I smirked, able to get in another strike. 
"What? Is the old age starting to kick in?" Slade let out another loud growl. I glanced over just in time to see Junior coming from behind a car, ready to attack Robin. I called out to him just in time to get away, however not fast enough for me to prepare myself for Slade slashing my arm. I hissed between my teeth but was quickly thrown to the ground by a forceful kick to the stomach. 
"Good thing we only need one of you then."   

I wheezed a cough and tried to sit up, but found Slade pinning me to the ground. My heart race increased as he pulled out a syringe, full with a thick, blue liquid. I squirmed to try and get away as he forced my jaw up, revealing my neck. Slade quickly stuck the needle into my neck, and I let out a loud scream as the liquid entered my blood stream. 
"Junior! It's time to go. We got what we came for."

I felt my lungs begin to grow weak as I gasped for whatever remaining oxygen I could grab. Dark spots began to cover my vision as Robin sprinted over to me, crying my name. 

The sound of machines whirring and clicking filled my head. I opened my eyes quickly, glancing around the room. I grabbed at the sheets of the bed, looking down at myself. 
"(S/H/N), you need to calm down," Batman said, gently pushing me down onto the bed. My breath remained heavy as I continued to look down at myself, finally noticing that I was wearing a hospital gown with a breathing tube running down my throat, making my breath quicken even more. 
"(S/H/N), you need to remain as calm and still as you can, or else you're going to rip the tube and you'll-"
"Oh, my God, you're freaking her out!" Robin exclaimed as he entered through the doors, rushing to my side. 

I looked up at him with pleading eyes, desperate to find out what was going on. 
"You need to relax, okay? Just look at me, alright? Now breath with me, okay?" I nodded frantically, attempting to relax my breathing. After a few minutes, which seemed to drag on for ages, I was able to calm down. 

"Now, I'm going to tell you what happened, and what's going on, but you have to promise you won't freak out and do something stupid, okay?" I let out a breath through my nose and nodded. Robin told me how Slade and Icicle Junior had quickly escaped with the help of Ra's al Ghul. 
"If it weren't for Robin's quick actions, the infection in your lungs would've spread and you could've ended up in a coma from the lack of oxygen entering your blood." Batman finished, filling a syringe with a clear liquid, walking back over to me. Well way to not freak me out I though to myself.

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