Nightwing x Reader

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A/N: Me @ that GIF twirl twirl twirl and S(ASS)

Requested by: thatweirdofriend


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


Nightwing and I had always had our differences. Whether it be fighting tactics, training exercises, anything. There's always a little bit of hate there - it's not problematic, it's just there. Nightwing would always claim that it's 'not a competition', but we both knew in the back of our minds that it was. Maybe it was the way we both craved the attention of the squad and get compliments from other members of the League. Or maybe it was just our own little way of being petty. Yeah - it was probably that.

Training sessions were where we showed off most of our moves, consistently trying to be better than one another through running laps, sit-ups, or even simply hand-to-hand combat. Today it was hand-to-hand. The other group members had all had their own one-on-one's, leaving Nightwing and me to our own round of sparring. I gave my neck a small click when I heard Bart whispering to Jaime.
"What's the bet that Nightwing will pin (S/H/N) in the first minute or so?" Jaime snorted at Bart's choice of winner.
"How can you even make a bet on these two? It always ends neck and neck, even their number of wins are tied." My eyes flickered to them before going back to Nightwing who was already in a ready stance, a bold smirk on his face. I mirrored his expression, sliding my leg back into a stance. 
"Ready?" He asked. I raised my arms.
"Only when you are."

As usual, there seemed to be almost no end to our sparring. Beads of sweat had formed on both of our foreheads, and the balls of my feet were beginning to sting from the friction between the skin and the fighting pad. However, our attacks and blocks continued to stay sharp and agile. A few of the other members, like Bart, had decided to take a seat on the ground, knowing that we were going to be at it for probably another half hour. I had managed to take Nightwing's block down for a mere second, allowing me to throw in a free hit. But before I could make my attack, Nightwing threw his own. 

I was slightly taken aback when his foot made contact with my jaw. Most of the time when this action occurred all fighting would cease to ensure that the person hadn't broken anything. Knowing this rule I automatically let down my guard and brought a hand to my jaw. The squad behind me was silent. Instead of Nightwing stopping, however, he threw a punch, easily landing one on my nose with a loud smack of bones. 

I let out a loud cry of surprise, holding my nose. Cassie let out a loud gasp behind me and Nightwing's eyes widened. 
"Oh, my- are you okay?" Jaime asked. I let go of my nose with a painful sniff. 
"What? It's fine, I'm not-" The sudden taste of bitterness in my mouth stopped me from speak, and I quickly brought my hand to my lip, only to pull it back and see it covered with blood. I guessed it was the numbness of the pain that kept me from feeling the blood run down my nose.

It was a larger relief that my nose wasn't broken all over, and instead of being large bumps only a small split on the bridge of had been formed. But the larger problem was that Nightwing wouldn't stop apologizing as he bandaged it up.
"Nightwing, I said I'm fine," I whined, feeling the anaesthetic beginning to rush to my head. Nightwing let out another sigh, wiping the last stripe of blood away from my face.
"I'm sorry, I just- I don't know what happened. I'm so sorry." I let out a loud groan as continued to ramble.
"Oh, my God," I droned. At this point, the medicine had completely taken over, and all pain around my nose and rest of my body had seized. "Can you just. . . I dunno, shut up for five minutes? Your voice is so soothing, I think I'm gonna pass out." I rubbed my face harshly, hissing when I touched my nose.
"Wait- I- what?" I peered at him through my eyelids.
"You know, the only reason I compete with you is so I have an actual reason to talk to you." Nightwing's eyes continued to widen.
"Yeah. . . that and I'm just really petty." Nightwing let out a small chuckle before I felt the meds forced me to go to sleep.

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