Superboy x Reader

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Requested by: RosalinaDrake_


Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name


"Remind me how you talked me into this?" I sighed as we walked up to the so-called zeta tube. Batman didn't reply as he entered a few digits onto another one of his gadgets.
"Because if you didn't, I would've had the authority to send you to the nearest juvenile prison." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"I've got too much homework to be doing this."
"You wouldn't have too much homework, seeing as you hacked into the school system and deleted all the files." I watched with a glare as he stepped into the booth. Without another word, a bright light appeared, a feminine-robotic voice echoing through the alley way with, "Batman, B-02". My eyes widened, and for a moment I thought he had died. Hesitantly, I took my seat.
"It's Batman, I'm sure he's-" The sudden bright light appeared again, making me block my face with my arms. When I opened my eyes again, I found I was no longer in the broken-down booth at the end of the alley; instead I was surrounded by group of superhero teens.
". . . fine."
"Team, this is (Y/N) (L/N) - the one who hacked into the Pentagon." I glanced at the 'team', a few staring at me in shock, whilst a few looked a little bored.
"Why is she here?" Robin asked, one of the few with a bored look. Batman stared for a moment, then walked over to a center circle that lit up as his feet touched the pad. Suddenly, a holographic computer came up.
"Lex Luthor has been working on a new team of villains called Mockingbird - none of the League members have been able to access the files since we were notified by an," he paused, "anonymous persons."
"Okay, but that doesn't quite explain why she's here," Robin continued with a sour look on his face. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"None of the League members have been able to access the files - that's where (Y/N) comes in. We believe that Lex Luthor was the one who threatened you into hacking both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center." Batman turned to me.
"We're giving you the authority to hack into one of the highest classified information that we know to date - do you think you can handle it?" I felt a smirk crawl onto my face.
"A chance to hack one of the highest businesses in all of the world, and get back at the person who threatened me? You know I'm in."
"Good - because you begin tomorrow."

Giving my hands a few decent clicks, I sat down at the large computer, and began typing away, with Batman and the team looming over me. I pushed my glasses up my nose slightly and glanced at them.
"You know - the last time I did something like this, I didn't have a crowd watching me, so. . ." Batman glared at me slightly, then turned and ordered the team to leave, reminding them that they had a mission.
"Two of you are going to have to say," he said just as the team were about to leave. He stared at Superboy and Miss Martian. "You two stay and watch over (Y/N) - make sure she doesn't hack into anything she shouldn't." I rolled my eyes and turned back to the screen.
"Thanks for making this feel less like a prison," I noted sarcastically. Miss Martian looked over at Superboy, beaming slightly. Oh, God. Do I really have to be paired with Miss Awkward and Mister 'I-Don't-Know-What-Emotions-Are'? I thought to myself, continuing to type. A small wave of pain passe through my head suddenly, making me grasp it uncomfortably. I glanced over my shoulder to see Miss Martian looking at me with an intense stare. I stared back, unsure as to why she was looking at me that way. But as the pain quickly left after the rest of the team left the room.

For the first couple of hours I worked hard on Lex Luthor's computer system - studying patterns and deciphers it used when someone used the system. I attempted to follow one of the users, but found that I was quickly blocked out on one of the files. I huffed and removed my glasses, rubbing my eyes tiredly. It was now well past eleven. I sat in the silence, the computer screen the only light source that illuminated the room.
"Well," I hummed to myself, "while I'm here." A sneaky grin crawled its way onto my face, and I quickly logged out of Lex Luthor's site, and into the computers system.
"Let's see who we're really dealing with here." However, before I could enter the first combination of letters and numbers, the numbing pain flashed again in my head - this time worse than before. I held my temples as my face contorted into pain, letting out a small grunt.
I know what you were doing. A voice said in my head. I let out another grunt.
What? Who are you? I was abruptly thrown out of my chair from an unknown source, and thrown against the wall. I chocked on a breath, gasping to get it back. Suddenly, Miss Martian appeared in front of me, a hard glare set like stone on her face.
If you dare to compromise anyone on this team, I will not hesitate to end you. I grunted and clenched my eyes shut, the pain in my head worsening.
"What's wrong? Got something worth hiding from your team?" I said with a smirk, however my face fell back into pain as the throbbing in my head increased.
Don't do anything you'll regret. She warned, before letting my body fall back to the ground and leaving the room.

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