Superboy x Reader

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Y/N = Your Name


It had been another long mission for the team. Everyone stunk and just wanted to grab a shower and nap. However the most dire in need of a bath was Wolf. 

"Okay, Conner. Not to sound rude or anything, but I really think it's about time you gave this guy a bath." I tried not to breath in as I spoke, kneeling and scratching Wolf behind the ears, bits of dirt and grass falling out.

I was the only one who was allowed to touch Wolf aside from Conner. The friendship didn't start out as well as I had hoped. It took a while, and plenty of leftover meals and games of fetch, to gain Wolf's trust. Eventually he settled for me, resting his head on my lap as appreciation after every meal, allowing for me to massage his head and ears. It came to a shock for both Conner and myself. I mostly stayed in the cave after that, finding Wolf's company much more comforting than everyone else. 

Conner would occasionally join us in a comfortable silence, watching as Wolf's eyes would eventually shut and begin to snore, his tail moving about every now and then. We would talk about random facts with each other, mostly just stories from history that almost no one had heard of until they would walk past us. 

"He doesn't need a bath, (Y/N)." Conner protested, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hey, I don't need super-smell in order to smell how bad he is," I said, standing up and wiping my hands on my already muddled uniform. "Come on, I'll help if you need." 
". . . fine. But if we get drenched then it's your fault." I shrugged, following Conner to the bathing area I asked Batman to install in case we ever actually decided to wash Wolf. At least we'd all be clean in the end, I thought, wondering what the case would be if we did indeed get splashed. 

"Oh, my God, Conner! That's way too hot!" I exclaimed, yanking my hand free from the boiling water in the large tub. It was almost the same size of a spa pool. I would definitely be using this in winter. I turned off the hot water and flicked it to cold. Conner looked away awkwardly at the fact that he put the water on too high. I had quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a shirt, throwing my uniform into the wash. 

"Okay, in you go!" I beamed at Wolf, patting the side of the tub. He looked at me confused and sat from his standing position. I heard Conner snicker slightly and scoffed, attempting to pick Wolf up and put him in the tub. "Wolf. . . please, just- get in the tub- Conner, will you stop giggling and help me? Because if you want to keep him then-" not a word later Conner had picked up Wolf and placed him the tub.

Wolf whined a little bit at first, then sniffed the water, drinking a small bit. "No, you can't drink it," I sighed, lifting his mouth away from the water to meet my eyes. "Alright - let's do this." 

We began to get most of the dirt out with water, eventually having to drain the water and refill the tub. I leaned over and grabbed the shampoo, squirting a puddle into my hand. I handed the bottle to Conner and rubbed my hands together into a slight lather.

"Jesus, Conner! Don't use half the bottle!" I yelled. Conner had skipped the step of doing parts at a time and just poured almost all the bottle over wolf. Conner looked at me wide-eyed and froze, shampoo dripping onto Wolf, who seemed just as confused about my sudden outburst. I let out a loud groan. I would've face palmed if it weren't for the fact that I had shampoo on them. 

"Just- scrub him." I sighed once again, beginning to work at Wolf's neck.

"I'm sorry. . ." Conner mumbled at he scrubbed at Wolf's side. I looked up from Wolf's other side. "What?" I asked. "You're gonna have to repeat that - some of us don't have super-hearing." I smirked, going back to cleaning Wolf. "I said 'I'm sorry'." Conner repeated, a red hue spreading across his face. I chuckled slightly. "It's okay, I've done something like that before."

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