Robin (Damian Wayne) x Reader

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Requested by: BatGirl_YouTubeFan


Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name


I chewed on my bottom lip nervously, staring up at the entrance of Gotham Academy, my hand keeping a tight grip on my bag. It's just a new school. I told myself. Just don't screw it up. I sighed and walked up the steps, ignoring the occasional stare. I glanced at the paper in my hand, telling me to go to the office. How do I go to the office if I don't even know where it is? I glanced around the other students, who were all already in their own designated groups. I was about to turn around and just skip the day when I saw a boy who was at his locker by himself. I let out a sigh of relief but still felt my heart beating heavily in my chest.
"What do you want?" The boy responded sharply but didn't show any real harm.
"I was just wondering where the office was."
"Why would you-" He turned around and stopped, his eyes scanning over me. "Oh, you're new, aren't you?" I nodded, my eyes glancing around nervously. He held out his hand and asked for my sheet.
"The school system here is old," he said, reading over my schedule. "You have English and maths with me," he said after a small silence. "You must be pretty smart." I shrugged quietly, taking back my schedule and following the boy to English.
"I'm Damian," he quickly added. "Damian Wayne." Like Bruce Wayne's son?
"(Y-Y/N) (L/N)," I mumbled.

Damian showed me around the rest of the school during our free period, that we both just-so-happened to have together. I didn't think of it much, knowing that he probably wouldn't associate with me after that day.
"You don't say much, do you?" Damian noted. I bit my inner cheek and shrugged, not feeling as though I needed to excuse myself for being shy. I was a new student, what was he expecting? Damian hummed in response, slouching on the chair in the library. The sudden ring of the bell brought me back to my senses.
"D'you remember where the cafeteria is?" Damian asked, standing from his chair and slinging his bag over his shoulder. I nodded hesitantly, thinking of all the hallways that consisted within the school. Damian gave a curt nod, a small 'good' mumbling from his mouth before he turned and walked out of the library.

I wandered around the cafeteria aimlessly, not worrying if the occasional person stared at me, I was too desperate to find a free table to sit at. Eventually, I found one at the back of the large hall. I let out a sigh of relief and rubbed my head as I sat down. It's too loud. I thought to myself, wishing that I could just go back home and sleep for thirty years. This happened every day. Eventually, I was able to become comfortable walking around Gotham Academy without having to ask someone for directions to the nearest bathroom. I still found myself sitting alone and keeping to myself quite frequently, but I liked it, knowing that I didn't have to communicate with anyone.

But one lunch time, Damian had slid into the seat opposite me. I glanced at him, thinking that he wanted to simply talk about something to do with maths with me. Instead, he simply picked up his sandwich and ate as if nothing were happening. So I did, too. We sat in comfortable silence, exchanging the occasional glance, but never hinting at starting a conversation. Damian continued to do this, and the only time he talked was when he said 'hi' and 'bye'.

Then one day, he said more than those two words. At first, I thought that he was just talking to himself, but then I realized he was actually talking to me when I bothered to look up to him looking at me as he talked. Most days he vented about his 'family', and I found that he was in fact bruce Wayne's son. But Damian never went into much detail about 'extra curricular' activities. The whole thing was a little alien like at first, but I grew to enjoy Damian's little talks, finding it interesting that he was so willing to discuss it with me, even if I didn't respond. I would show that I was paying attention, however, raising my eyebrows when he explained something idiotic his 'brothers' did or shrugging my shoulders when he asked a rhetorical question. I always found it easier to listen rather than talk.

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