Kid Flash x Reader

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S/H/N = Superhero Name
Y/N = Your Name 


"You ready, (Y/N)?" Zatanna whispered into my ear before we entered the zeta-tube into Mount Justice, along with her father, Giovanni. I nodded my head and grinned. 
"Ready as I'll ever be."

We had been friends long since we could remember; staying up all night during sleepovers, sharing school lunches on the playground, doing anything physically possible to be as close as we could at all costs. Some would even believe we're sisters if we tried hard enough. We were always there for each other. I was there when her mother died, and she was there for me when my parents died. We both vowed to protect each other from then on. 

We seemed to have entered at the right time, because once we did, everyone had turned towards us. I stood slightly behind Zatanna, but still visible to the group. 

"Hello, I'm-"
"Robin! I-I mean, I'm Robin," a dark headed boy hurriedly introduced. I bit my tongue to keep myself from laughing or making a comment. Someone clearly has a crush. I rolled my eyes and went on with introducing myself.

Suddenly a boy with bright orange hair appeared next to me. 
"Hey, the name's Wally. I was just wondering if you fell from heaven, because you look like an angel." He smirked, leaning rather close to me. 
"Yes, I died over three hundred years ago. Just like that pick up line." I smirked, proud of my response as his face fell. I couldn't help but laugh and place a hand on his shoulder. 
"Better luck next time."

I had managed to get myself onto the team a few days later. With no stable member of the League to guide me, it was a perfect fit. It took a while to convince Zatanna into believing it was a good idea, but when I mentioned that it would give her the perfect reason to come and visit Robin more often. She quickly denied the crush. Too quickly. 

"So, (Y/N)," Wally smirked, leaning against the door to my room. I was still trying to set up my space in order to make it feel more 'homey'. Wally had quickly become rather attached to me after our first mission with Doctor Fate, consistently asking questions and using horrible pick lines. 

"I was thinking; you. Me. Date. Tonight. There'll be a whole bunch of roses and chocolate, and we can even have a nice picnic in the park and star gaze." I scoffed at Wally's date plan and rolled my eyes, continuing to put away my books. 
"I was thinking me. Without you. Alone, sitting in my warm bedroom, eating dinner." I turned around, seeing Wally with the biggest pout on his face I had ever seen. I let out a laugh at the sight. 
"Come on, you don't really think you can resist the Wall'man, do ya?" He smirked, walking towards me. 
"Nah, ah, ah." I said, letting a small amount of electricity escape my finger and zap Wally in the stomach. It wasn't anything big, perhaps a small pinch. Wally let out a small yelp and glared at me slightly. 

"Okay, okay!" I raised my arms in defense and sighed, "okay, you can take me out on a date, under one rule - nothing overly romantic. Just pizza and a couple of movies."
"Babe, you read my mind." 

It was hard to believe that this had been a few months ago. 

"Great, Nabu, release my daughter."
". . . no." The air grew dense with Fate's protest of releasing Zatanna back, and felt my gut build in weight. 

"You can't do that, she's just a kid!"
"She has her own life to live!" Everyone shouted in protest, whilst Zatara stared up in shock. 

Fate still did not release Zatanna, and I felt my heart race in pure fear that I wouldn't get my friend back. We had quickly grown close once she joined the team, occasionally going out after I had gotten back from a mission with the team. 

"Kent would never allow you to-" Kid Flash began to protest, but was quickly cut off by Fate, claiming that he had released his soul into the afterlife. "He is gone."

"Take me instead," Zatara said, defeat evident in his voice. "My skills are already at their peak, my body is physically stronger - better able to withstand the strain of your power." 

No. A small voice pestered in the back of my head. I watched as Zatara continued to insist that Fate take him instead, silent. I looked over at Kid Flash, who too was watching intently. I saw as he nervously bit on his lip, clearly trying to think of a plan. But it was too clear that there was no way to get out of how far we had sunk. 

Fate slowly landed next to Zatara, the two staring at each other in silence. Hesitantly, Fate removed the helmet, revealing Zatanna. I continued to watch as father and daughter embraced each other, and I knew that there was no way I would allow them to be apart. 

"Remember; I love you," Zatara whispered, placing a kiss on Zatanna's head. 
"Take care of my daughter," Zatara ordered, looking at Batman, then slowly guiding his eyes to me. "Especially you." He smiled weakly, pulling away from Zatanna and taking a step away with the helmet. 

Everything in that moment seemed to have slowed down. 

"Dad, please don't! No - this is all my fault!" Zatanna pleaded, tears threatening to spill over. I sprinted over and snatched the helmet out of Zatara's hands, taking multiple steps backwards. 
"(S/H/N)! What are you-" But it was too late for Zatanna to finish her words as I pulled the helmet on. 
"I'm sorry," I whispered, looking at Kid Flash, who too had a pleading look in his eyes. 
"I-I love you." I didn't even get to hear if he said it back. 

I wasn't even aware I had been crying until Fate's voice filled my head. 
"That liar! He gave me his word!"
"No!" I protested, fear wavering in my voice. I let out a sigh and wrapped my arms around myself. 
"I-I willingly put on the helmet."
"And why is that, child?" Fate spat. I looked up, looking through the eyes of the helmet, seeing Zatanna cry onto the shoulder of Zatara's. 
"Because they're a family. And they should stay together. It's just easier this way." 

Fate hummed in acknowledgement. 
"I apologize if I am not what you-"
"No, child. You will do very well. Not as much as Zatara, but that of course will leave room for you to grow, and perhaps be even stronger than he." I couldn't help but smile at Fate's generosity. 

I looked over at Wally, eyes welling up with tears, his jaw tight. 
"Let (Y/N) go!" He cried. Wally. . . 
"She has chosen her destiny and it is the one she will continue to follow." I shivered at the sound of my voice mixing with Fate's, the thought that he was controlling my every word and movement agitating. 
"You're lying! She would never do that!" Wally continued to fight. Zatanna let out a loud sob and I felt my heart continue to break. 

"I will not give up this host. She will be the next Doctor Fate, the next destroyer of evil. Kick me off the League if you wish, but the child will remain mine." 

And with a golden flash, I was gone. Unknowing when the next chance I would have to see Wally again.


Okay so this is a little short compared to the last few ones that I've done but I've been wanting to write this for ages now and I haven't update in almost a week so here you go!

Also please please please send in some requests!! I feel like everything I come up with is either total bs or just isn't good enough, so please don't hesitate to send in any submissions!!!

Anyways I really do hope you enjoyed this and let me know if I should do a part 2 because I kinda want to but then I don't I dunno I'm probably the most indecisive person in this universe. 

Chika Chika


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