Impulse x Reader

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Requested by: fandomrelated24


Y/N = Your Name


I swallowed thickly as I took my seat, watching as Dick walked away from the casket and sitting next to me. I spared a glance at his emotionless face, which was more of a facade than real. I found it difficult to convince him to attend Wally's funeral in the first place, but he only agreed because he thought I would need support. We both knew I was more there for him, so when he sat down, I shifted an inch closer, letting him known I was there. He breathed out a shaky sigh, his eyes trained on the casket. I knew he hated funerals, though, you couldn't call this one a funeral, not really. Not when there isn't even a body to send off.

I turned my head slightly, my eyes scanning over the room. Bart was on the row of seats next to me, along with Barry and Iris, and Wally's parents. All were grieving. Artemis sat on the end of the row, her hands gripping her speech in her hands. She seemed drained of tears, and Bart's were only to begin. His jaw was tight, and his hands were balled into fists. His face was drained of color as if he hadn't slept since Wally's death, and how could I blame him? 

I watched as Artemis walked up to the front, her hand lingering on Wally's casket before turning to us. I smiled as she spoke, despite the tears that wanted to spill. I almost expected her to break down as she gave her eulogy, but when she spoke of times that made her happy, they made me happy. She looked at me a few times, and I almost wondered if it was for comfort reasons, but then I realized she was looking at Dick, which gave me more comfort. 

When Dick gave his eulogy, I noticed his facade begin to break down. His voice cracked and his hands shook. He took long gaps between sentences and ran his hands through his hair. When his body began to shake, I shot up from my seat and ran up next to Dick. He smiled shakily as I stood slightly behind him, a hand wrapped around his arm shakily. 'Thank you' he mouthed, turning back to his eulogy. I kept my eyes mainly trained on him, but couldn't help but stare out at the audience, feeling my stomach squeeze slightly. I felt horrible with sympathetic stares and I think Dick felt the same, because he broke down before he could finish. I stepped closer, taking the sheet of paper and glancing at it.
". . . Wallace Rudolph West will be remembered as a friend; as a son; as a lover; as a brother." I glanced at Dick. "He will be remembered for what he did best; be Wally."

I tried to keep Bart busy the following week, trying to keep away from doing anything stupid in general like getting an ouija board to contact Wally. I would know because I found it underneath his bed the day after the funeral.

"You shouldn't play around with this," I muttered, folding the board up.
"I didn't use it," he mumbled. "I just- I see it a lot in the movies, you know?" I sighed and sat opposite him on the bed.
"Well, did you see what happens to them after they use it?" Bart gazed downwards and shook his head. I let out a small laugh.
"What even went through your head that convinced you to try it?"
"I-I. . . I just want to tell him I'm sorry, that I-"
"Bart," I said sternly, resting a hand gently on his shoulder. "This isn't your fault, you know that, right?" He slowly looked up at me with glassy eyes. He smiled weakly, nodding slowly. I smiled and removed my hand from his shoulder.

Video games and movies quickly became common between us, and every day seemed to be a repetition of itself as if someone was making me restart the same one each time. It was starting to wear me down slightly, but when I saw Bart smiling and cracking small jokes at me losing, a part of me knew it was indeed worth it.

"Aha! I win!" I screamed, jumping up and down in joy. I turned to Bart with a victorious grin, but it quickly fell when I saw him staring down at his controller, hair shielding his green eyes.
"Oh- oh, my God, Bart. I'm sorry, I went a bit out of control there, I'm sorry. W-we can start again and pretend I didn't win, yeah?" I rambled, sitting back on the bed opposite Bart. His head shook and he quickly wiped away his tears.
"I-it's not that," he said, his voice quieter than usual. I chewed my bottom lip nervously.

When he looked up at me with blood-shot eyes, I automatically knew what he was thinking about. I placed a hand on his arm.
"Bart, i-it's not your-"
"But it is!" Bart said, outbursting suddenly. My eyes widened, and I felt my hand jolt away from Bart's arm. "I-if I was just faster, I could've done something. I-I should've known, (Y/N)! I came from the future and I should've known. . ." I stared at his shattered form, clenching my jaw to keep the tears from spilling.
"I was too slow. . . I-I'm too weak." He stared at me, tears falling down hi cheeks like rivers on mountains. "Everyday when I go in, as Kid Flash, people look at me almost as if I'm Wally. But then I can see it, I can see in their eyes, in their smile, in the goddamn way they put their hands my shoulders when they say 'hi'. I see them realize that it's not Wally, it's just me. It's just me. And there's no goddamn way for me to change it, (Y/N), no way."

I grabbed Bart's hands tightly, my breath shaking slightly. I swallowed my tears back, clenching my jaw.
"I know what happened that day was bad," I said tightly, my hands trembling almost. "And there was no way for you to know that was going to happen, Bart. No way. But, for God sake, Bart. You are are a fucking human being. You saved so many others that day. You saved the team, you saved innocent people's lives, you-" I pursed my lips, feeling my tears fall down. I stared down at the bed before I spoke up.
"There was this, uh- there was this girl. She couldn't have been older than, uh- eight, maybe? It was one of my first missions and we were meant to get all the civilians out of the building because it was going to collapse. I was assigned the East side of the building. I-I thought I got everyone out. . . thirteen hours later they found her body." 

Looking up at Bart, I saw that his eyes were wide with shock. I quickly wiped at my tears. 
"These things happen," I said quietly, staring at him. " They always do. A-and I'm not saying that we should forget them. But when we do remember them, we should try and learn from them. We should look back and smile rather than remember and be sad."

Bart smiled warily, raising a hand and wiping away a tear on my face. He didn't say anything, instead only staring at me. I found myself edging closer, Bart doing the same. I felt my face growing warmer as our faces drew closer. Bart's hand remained still on the side of my face before he closed the gap and pressed his lips to mine. It tasted salty of tears and was gentle and slow. Pulling away, he pressed our foreheads together.
"I needed- I needed to say that just in case. . ."
". . . in case?" Bart's jaw clenched, his eyes trained on mine.
"In case I-"
"Don't. Just- I love you, Bart. That's just in case." Bart stared at me in shock, his lips tugging into a shy grin.
"I love you, too. . . just in case."


Ew this was short and horrible I blame Tom Cruise

Ayo, so I'm making a Stephanie Brown fanfic and I was just wondering if there's anyone who wants a dedication in it (only doing first 5-10 sorry)

Also, I'm going back to school this Monday and I don't know if I'm going to be able to actually handle it. Help.

If you would like to submit an idea please feel free to do so by either commenting or messaging me directly.

Chika chika


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