Work Headcanons

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A/N: okay so like ive lowkey been wanting to do this for ages and its 1am and im in the mood to write but like not W R I T E ya feel???? anyway i was thinking about this at work and im gonna do it. all characters ages are what they were in s2. also all the terms i use here are from my own job so yeahhhh. also enjoy the meme of patty g.

D I C K  G R A Y S O N

- trainer

- super chill about everything like if you make a mistake he'll probably copy you to make you feel less stupid about it

- will grab the step-ladder for you to reach the top shelf because he doesn't want you to get hurt

- hates doing decant (opening the boxes from the pallets) because the clean up is tiring (enjoys putting cardboard away because throwing stuff)

- prefers tucking his uniform shirt in unless its a polo (the button shirts are better though)

- pretends not to like the playlist that's on repeat every day but in reality likes it

- doesn't swear at work. at all. not even after an angry customer yells at him.

- also works well with angry customers. always manages to calm them down????

- always brings own meals for his break

- shares memes with wally.

W A L L Y  W E S T

- trainer (debatably best)

- uses the random wheelchair when in the canteen to get to the table and sink

- the only one who doesn't complain about working until midnight

- can't handle angry customers or being the door greeter

- prefers talking with children than adults

- lets the kids go on the bikes when they aren't supposed to (sometimes he will join in)

- literally, knows the store like the cracks on his phone

- hates the polo shirts because it doesn't go with his hair

- will go to food court during his break. if not he will most likely steal your food

- shares memes with dick.

C O N N E R  K E N T

- team member (can still go to for help)

- prefers decanting over being on the floor (enjoys cutting open the boxes - sometimes he makes a competition between all the other members. has never lost.) also only he can choose the music

- generally, won't talk. but if you ask for help he will literally guide you the entire way

- an actual sweetheart will older customers. will reach the top shelf. will carry bags to their car.

- also if he's not talking to you about what you should be doing he's probably talking about his 'dog', Wolf. he wishes there was a 'Bring Your Dog to Work Day'. has an endless amount of pictures on his phone. will only show you once.

- doesn't buy any of the products but will say that he likes them

- will accept midnight shifts if needed but will regret immediately after

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