Blue Beetle x Reader

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Requested by: AlexisAllen104 (another person who you all should go check out!!)


Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
E/C = Eye Color


I sighed as I stepped out of the shower, wrapping my towel around me. I glanced at the mirror and turned my body so I could just see the red scarab on my back. It had only been 4 months since the thing had managed to get itself attached to me, and I was glad that I had managed to keep it covert for so long.

Hey, don't blame me for attaching myself to you - I needed a host. A grumbling feminine voice said inside my head. I rolled my eyes, pulling the towel up over the scarab.
"Whatever," I mumbled, walking to my room, "at least I can talk to you, I guess."

I had sneaked into an old antique store a couple of blocks down from my house. It's not that I was poor and needed money, I just wanted back what was mine - an old necklace my grandmother had given me before she had passed. My parents claimed that we needed the money, and sold it to the nearest broker in our area.

Just when I had spotted the gleaming necklace, a glint of red caught the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw something I could only describe as a beetle. I found myself being lured in by it's beauty I snatched it and stuffed it into my bag, triggering the alarms.
"Crap. . ." I ran over and smashed the glass, picking up the necklace and lacing it around my neck, running out of the building to the safety of my old home.

I stared at the object in my hand, studying it. I sighed and chucked it on my bed, forcing myself to remember to take it back to the old store. As I took of my shirt to change into my pajamas, I felt a sharp pain in the center of my back, causing me to cry out.
"(Y/N)? You okay in there?" My mother asked.
"U-uh, y-yeah I'm fine, just hit my hand is all." My mother hummed an 'okay', and when the sound of her footsteps vanished, I went over to my mirror, glancing at my back, only to find the beetle had attached itself to my back.

"What the f-" Language! A sharp voice echoed in my head. I grabbed it in pain, letting out a groan.
"W-what?" In case you haven't noticed, I don't tolerate that kind of language.
"W-who are you? And how are you in my head?!" I suggest you stop shouting and let me talk - unless you want someone to find you and send you to somewhere you will never escape.

We had managed to bond within those 4 months, and although she, or it, had managed to help me improve my grades dramatically over that time, I struggled with keeping my friends. A few words always left my mouth when I was talking to the scarab, mostly telling it to shut up. Everyone thought I was a loony, whispering at me as I walked down the halls.

Eventually, the transformations started. When I was alone one day in the girls changing rooms, a group of girls came up to me and started mocking me, pushing me around. The scarab constantly told me to attack, but I kept my ground, not letting my anger take over me. But when I heard the slightest whir of the scarab trying to wrap the armor around me, I grabbed my bags and bolted out the door, skipping the rest of the day.

The rest came easily after that, occasionally I would allow the scarab to transform me and fly over the city, telling the scarab interesting stories that hadn't been found in its data-base.

On one particular night, however, someone who looked, well, like me, flew past. I immediately stopped myself, staring at the hero who was also known as Blue Beetle.
"Who are you?!" He asked, readying his sonic canon.
He is showing clear signs of attack, I suggest we give him some of our own. I hummed in approval and raised my arm, creating my own sonic canon.

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