Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader

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Requested by: MaliaPrince


Y/N = Your Name


"What do you mean we're 'too young' for this mission?" Robin asked, his face heating up in rage as he glared up at Batman. I stood back and watched in worry, scared that Robin would receive some form of backlash from Batman.
"It's too dangerous," Batman said. "You aren't trained for-"
"Since when?" Robin yelled once again, his hands forming into fists. Batman's glare deepened.

Wally was busy snickering in the background and put a hand on Robin's shoulder whilst holding his stomach.
"It's okay, let the skilled ones handle this." Robin went to attack Wally, but Artemis was quick to step in and pulled Wally away.
"We're lucky Batman's let us go," she said, giving Wally a sharp smack over the head. Batman nodded in reply.
"She's right," he turned to Robin and myself. "The decision is final. Not another word."
"Not another word."

I sighed inaudibly as I froze and melted my drink, the sensation tingling my fingers as I did so. Robin, however, was less than calm. Ever since the team had left, he had been grumbling under his breath as he flicked through channels on the TV, words I didn't even know that existed stumbling out of his mouth. I swallowed nervously on the other side of the couch. I was beginning to struggle with containing my powers, Robin's anger bouncing onto my stress, and I quickly found myself beginning to over freeze the drink.
"Uh, R-Robin," I stammered, "c-can you calm down ple-"
"Don't tell me to chill out!"

The air was filled with a sickening crack of the glass, shattering to the ground. My eyes widened as I stood from my seat, hands flying to my mouth as I gasped.
"Oh, my God - I'm so sorry," Robin said, apologies stumbling out of his mouth.
"W-was that. . . was that mean't to be an ice joke?" I said, staring at him. His face automatically heated up in realization. I couldn't help but let out a laugh, Robin soon joining in. Once I calmed down I began to pick up the shattered glass, sweeping it into the bin.

"I'm really sorry for yelling at you," Robin said when I returned. I shook my head.
"It's fine - as long as no one got hurt there's nothing to apologize for." Robin didn't seem to convinced as he turned back to the TV. I let out a sigh and stood from the couch.
"We should go out." Robin's eyebrows raised behind his glasses as his cheeks heated up.
"We should go and do something - go on patrol." A grin played on Robin's lips. 
"First one who gets ready gets to throw the first hit."

I smiled widely underneath my helmet, the hum of the engine of my motorbike filling my ears. 
"I still don't get how you manage to get ready so quickly," Robin commented through the com. I let out a laugh and didn't reply. 
"Have you picked up on any crime yet?" I asked, glancing at Robin who was moving cameras around on a hologram.
"Robbery a couple of blocks down."
"Race you."

We speed to the second hand store, managing to catch the robbers just as they were about to make a break for it. 
"Winners first," Robin said, holding out a hand. I grinned and turned to the robbers. 
"Alright," I said, putting up my hands. "Everyone just freeze." I released ice from my hands, sending it to the robbers feet, encasing them in ice. 
"Ice pun? Really?" I shrugged. 
"Couldn't resist." I sent another wave of ice at the pair of robbers, trapping them against the wall of the shop. 

We stayed out until the sun went down, and still continued to fight numerous thugs throughout Gotham. 
"We should be heading back," I said, looking over at Robin who was busy looking through cameras on his hologram. 
"Sure, let's get- hold up." He zoomed in on one of the cameras. "There's a man and woman being held up by a couple of thugs - we should really help them out." I nodded and revved my engine, following Robin to the location. 

It didn't take long until we reached where the couple had been held up. Thugs were pointing knifes at them, one consisting of a small handgun, yelling at the couple for their money and taunting them with shaking their weapons. Robin wasted no time and jumped of his bike, throwing out a birdarang and knocking the gun from the thugs hand. The man let out a yelp and turned around quickly, the other men copying. The couple behind them fled as I motioned for them to do so. 

"Well if it isn't Bird Boy and Ice Girl." The man smirked, pulling out his own knife. Robin growled at the nickname, pulling his leg back into a fighting stance. I ignored the comment, and raised my hand, ready for the man's assault. The thugs didn't seem too threatened, and quickly charged at us. 

I quickly maneuvered my body around one of the attackers, punching him in the face before freezing him just above his knees. I turned to see that Robin had already taken down the other two thugs and grinned. 
"Alright, let's get-"
"Hey - aren't you Captain Cold's child?" I stopped in my tracks, slowly turning to the man. He smirked, obviously glad that he had gotten my attention. 
"Glacier, just ignore-"
"Glacier?" The man snorted, "what kinda name is that? What? Trying not to sound related to Captain Cold?"
"We aren't related!" I screamed, turning around and walking over to him, my footsteps heavy with anger. 

I melted the ice at the mans legs and feet, then threw it in his face in sharp shards, slicing the mans skin. I didn't bother with giving him recovery time and punched in the face, sending him to the ground with blood covering his mouth and nose. I began to kick the man senseless, anger pulsing through my veins. 

"(Y/N) that's enough he's out!" Robin cried, pulling me back by my arms. I managed to pull myself free despite his tight grip and went over to my motorbike, heading back to the cave, Robin tailing behind. 

I was almost surprised when I got back and found that the rest of the team hadn't returned, but I wasn't surprised, considering Robin and I had been declared 'too young' to go on the mission.

"Look, (Y/N) - we need to talk about what happened back there. You can't just go around trying to kill people because they say stuff-"
"Stuff like what?! Like you're related to a murderer?! Like you're just some thing that hurts people like their 'father'?! Because please, tell me! Tell me that you've gone through that as well!" I was internally shocked, my anger replacing my usually calm and nice persona. 

"(Y/N), you're not some thing, someone, that hurts people. You're not a killer-"
"Oh, yeah? Well that's what I was made to be," I spat harshly, turning away. "That monster made me into who I am - what I am. I look in the mirror every day and all I see is him. Him and how much I look like him." Tears began pooling out of my eyes and I desperately began to wipe them away. 

Robin quickly pulled me into a hug despite my struggle. 
"You're not a bad person," he soothed, rubbing my back gently. "You're just someone who went through a traumatizing experience that no one should have to go through. You didn't deserve it; you didn't ask for it." Robin's voice began to crack and I pulled away, seeing stray tears fall from beneath his mask. A small 'oh' escaped my lips as I tried to wipe them away, only for Robin to catch my hands, staring at me through his mask.

We stared in silence, until we both closed the small gap between us and pressed our lips together in a kiss. I felt a warmness spread in my chest, my lips tugging into a smile as I wrapped my arms around Robin's neck, pulling myself closer. Robin let out a sharp gasp as fingers laced the back of his neck, and quickly pulled away. 
"Sorry," I mumbled with a bright blush, "they're probably cold." 

Robin grinned and held my hands before kissing me once more.
"Hey guys! What did we- oh, God!" Wally cried, covering his eyes.
"Huh," Artemis chuckled, "guess we didn't miss much at all."


Guess who got a new laptop charger??!!?!? time for more memes motherfuckres (im sorry i have a swearing problem i know but i don't care in the slightest)

Also I made an account on so if I am your crush (*wink wink* of course I am) then let me know @ the link is also in my bio.

If you want to request anything lemme know either in the comments or by messaging me directly. 

Chika Chika 


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