Miss Martian x Reader

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Requested by: abbycait

A/N: i couldnt pick my favorite aesthetic for my space gf so im using both. also reader will be female in this (like all others but give me a break mkay) so this will be like a g|g relationship so fight me if u dont like this and double fight me if u say "i like this but i wouldnt date a girl" and TRIPPLE FIGHT ME IF THIS DOESNT GET AS MANY VOTES AS THE OTHER ONES LIKE WHITE BOYS WALLY AND DICK okay im done


Y/N = Your Name

S/H/N = Superhero Name

* * *

Growing up with prosthetics probably would've scared any child away. But as you came to accept having to come to terms with living with no left leg or right arm, you became childishly fascinated by it. You had eventually begun designing your own prosthetics - nothing major, just a few creative designs as you had called them. After one of your surgeries to help with the blood flow in your left leg, you continued to draw your designs which had become more and more detailed and technological based as you went through sketch book after sketch book. Whilst drawing, you had the TV above the bed playing as background music, until the name 'Cyborg' came up.

Your head snapped to face the TV, hand halting as the pressure of it caused the head of the pencils lead to snap. But your eyes were too transfixed on the screen to care. You slowly smiled. You weren't alone in the world. You weren't some freak. And there was hope that you could do more than going through surgery after surgery, test after test, new prosthetic after new prosthetic.

When the news had ended, you glanced down at your sketches. Shutting the book, you pulled out the laptop on the side table. It was the middle of the day - food would be coming soon but you weren't hungry. Once logging onto the wifi, you searched 'human anatomy'.

Ever since you had studied the subject, branching off onto design and engineering. Your drawings developed, notes and circles surrounding certain parts that would make you run faster, throw further, write better. When you introduced the designs to the doctors, a few laughed and said it couldn't be done.

Then you took to the media, making a few tweets asking Cyborg himself if he could potentially help. You weren't even sure if he even had a Twitter account, but that didn't seem to matter when he and a few other League members showed up in your ward in the hospital.

"I know," the Flash began, "we're totally-"

"Cyborg!" You couldn't help but belt out, attempting to stand on your single leg as you got out of bed. "I'm so happy you're here! To be honest, I didn't think you'd actually come - but that's not the point!" You rambled before reaching for your sketchbooks, a few torn papers falling out that were no longer connected to the binding. "Look at these - I just really wanted your opinion if these are, you know, actually good because the doctors were all like-"

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