Aqualad x Reader

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Requested by: thisappismylovelife


Y/N = Your Name

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At first, I feared the ocean. It's large, open and dangerous. But it wasn't until my father brought back shells from his own diving trips did I slowly start to wander down to the beach with him, allowing waves to cover my feet. I grew closer to the ocean after that, eventually joining my father on his diving trips.

But the ocean is also relentless. When he died at sea, I hadn't gone anywhere near the sea since., the childish fear growing once more in my mind like mold. It was only when I saw a dog stranded on one of the rocks did I enter the water, my thoughts only focused on getting to the dog. I sighed in relief when I managed to carry dog back to shore.

"Hey," I cooed, holding the small animal close to my chest as it shivered in both fear and cold. I scanned the beach, finding that no one else was with me. I took the dog in after taking it to the vet center despite the fact my mother threatened to throw me out after taking the pet back home.

Then I just continued to go back in the water, the adrenaline of the water fueling me, and I soon found myself pushing harder and going deeper for as long as my oxygen tank would allow me.

My mother refused to let me go out at first, fearing the same would happen to me as it did my father. Yet I ignored her, yearning for the feeling of water around me.

One of the best things about diving was probably finding secret treasures. Well, you probably wouldn't exactly call them treasures per-say. They mostly consisted of lost phones and sunglasses. Once I had found a phone, immediately turning it into the police as soon as I had returned to shore. They claimed that it had been evidence for some crime that Batman was investigating. I wasn't interested in any reward they were willing to give.

Helping the ocean life was also what pushed me to go deeper; picking up thrown away trash or dropped netting, fearing that an animal would wind up getting caught and potentially die.

However, some things like these can't always be helped. So when there was a sea animal stuck in plastic or netting, I would help them free.

That's how it should've been when I was rescuing three baby turtles. I checked how much more oxygen I had left, biting my cheek when I saw that there was only just under a fifth of the tank left. But looking back at the turtles, I took my chances.

Heading straight for them, I took out the small pocket knife on my belt, cutting the netting with a slight struggle. I didn't bother to check my tank once more as I struggled with the final turtle, breathing a sigh when I did. It was then I knew I only had a few seconds left.

Taking a deep breath, I held it, attempting to swim back up to the surface. But when my foot caught on the netting, I knew everything had gone wrong. I mentally cursed, fumbling for the knife only for it to fall further into the deep ocean. I could feel myself beginning to panic, taking the final breath of the oxygen tank. My hands went to the clips, trying to take them off to release weight, only for it to be jammed and unwilling to open.

Panic continued to grow, each one of my nerves spiking as my head began to become light. So when I thought I saw swimming towards me, reaching out to free my foot, I thought I was imagining things. But when they did manage to free my foot and help me swim up to the surface did I realize what was actually happening.

Ripping off my mask as soon as emerged from the water, I took multiple deep breaths, attempting to calm myself.

A hand landed on my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly from the sudden touch. "Are you okay?"

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