Blue Beetle x Reader

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Requested by: Claudy1425 

Song Title: Hasta El Amanecer (English Translation: Until the Sunrise) by Nicky Jam


Y/N = Your Name


I walked idly through the front gates of Rio Grande High School. I had moved to El Paso with my mother after her divorce with my dad. It didn't come to shock to me after a months worth of verbal arguments and smashing plates. But starting new schools and moving did shock me. It's like your bed sheets being removed from your body in the early, cold hours of the morning. 

So I walked around baffled by the new layout I was supposed to get used to, glancing at the small map in my hand the woman at the office had given to me. It was even harder with a large amount of students pushing past in the hallways. 

Jaime's POV

I let out a yawn and stretched my arms over my head, my bag slinging loosely over my shoulder. It had been another long night of patrolling with Bart, and nothing had shown up. I scanned the corridor until my eyes fell on a new student, wandering down the corridor, confusion etched on her face. I knew it seemed cliche, but when I saw her, I felt- I wasn't sure what I felt, exactly. It was like that feeling you get when you know something good was going to happen; like all the bad karma was just saving up for the good stuff; the really good stuff. 

I straightened my bag and jersey, running a hand through my hair fervently. 
"How do I look?" I mumbled enough for Khaji Da to hear.
In your language, I believe the term I would like to use is an idiot.
"Gracias for the confidence boost, you little piece of-" I stopped myself when I noticed someone staring at me from the other side of the corridor. I smiled awkwardly and began to stumble over to the new student

Back to your POV

In the corner of my eye, I saw a boy walking over to me. I looked at him straight on, which must've shocked him because he suddenly tripped over his own two feet. Everyone in the corridor stopped for a moment, before moving on. I, however, continued to stare at the boy, who scrambled off the floor. A feeling in my stomach settled in and made itself home, but I wasn't quite sure what it was. I brushed it off as an embarrassment for the boy. 
"I-I'm sorry, I fell for you- I-I mean over!" He yelled exasperatedly, his hands waving around in front of him with an awkward laugh. I nodded hesitantly, before taking a step back and abruptly walking away.

The same boy came up to me in a few of my other classes, claiming that he could show me around the school. Every time I said no, he'd ask again. Every time I moved away from him, he'd move as well. 
"Um, no offense, but you aren't this first boy to say that you'll 'show me around' today, and I doubt that you'll be the last. So, please, just stop asking me that question." His face turned to a mixture of embarrassment and confusion. I stood from my seat to leave to next period.
"But how will you know to get to your next class?" I put a finger to my temple.
"Surprise, surprise - I have a brain," I said with a small grin, leaving the class.
". . . dios mio. . ."

I thought I was going to be relieved the next day, the maze-worthy school corridors finally being set in my mind. 
"Look, I'm sorry if I was really blunt the other day, I-I was just wondering if we could be friends," The tanned boy explained, his toothy smile back on his face. I looked away uncomfortably, shuffling in my seat and continuing to copy down the notes the teacher was giving us. Ignoring the Hispanic boy was beginning to prove itself a struggle with him continuously sending me pieces of paper and talking to me when he could. It also didn't help that he would mumble to himself every now and then. 
"Please?" The boy said again, a hint of desperation in his voice. It only made the situation worse, and I found myself almost falling off the seat.

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