Klarion x Reader (Part 2)

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A/N: Read the quote above - now discuss


Y/N = Your Name
V/N = Villain Name


A small mumble of words left my lips as black matter spilled from my hands. As Klarion conjured up his own magic, I took my chance and threw the black matter his way. He narrowly blocked with attack with a large shield made of red. However, the attack did not go unsuccessful, as it caused a crack in the shield. I smirked and created multiple sharp daggers, throwing them all at once. One of them managed to skim the arm of Klarion's shirt, causing his eyes to narrow in annoyance.
"What's wrong?" I snickered. "Scared you're gonna lose again?" Klarion smirked smugly at my words. Suddenly he summoned his own attack, throwing multiple red energy orbs at once. I reflected them simply, flicking my wrist as they came. With each block, I took a step forwards, eventually only a mere meter away from Klarion. I smirked at his wretched face. 
"So, how many times have you lost now?" I began to count on my fingers. ". . . six. . . seven. . . eight-" I caught off-guard Klarion fervently pressing his lips to my own. I smiled as I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.
"Don't forget that I was the one who taught you that, (Y/N)," Klarion stated as he pulled away, a displeased look still on his face, however, unnoticeable by most who would've seen it, the corners of his lips curled upwards.

I drawled out a sigh as I slouched on the couch, Teekl resting on my lap as I ran my hand through his thin fur. 
"You know, animals should be awarded."
"What for?" Klarion asked from the other side of the couch. I smiled as I stared at Teekl, his purring going through onto my lap.
"For not being people." Klarion laughed quietly as he stared into the fireplace. I waited for a moment before I spoke up once again.
"When are we actually going to do something?" Klarion looked at me in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"Well," I sighed again, "I've been here for so long, and, don't get me wrong, I do love it here, but I want to do something - I want to go out and-"
"When you're ready," Klarion said, dismissing me of my wants. I frowned.
"You said that five years ago." It was true. Five years ago he had agreed to leave the Light, allowing us to go off and do whatever we please. Who knew that 'whatever we pleased' would be me learning about my powers and not being able to use them. I looked up at Klarion.
"It just feels pointless to know all of this, but not be able to do anything with them." Klarion sat in thought before a wicked smile carved itself onto his face.
"Want to mess with the kiddie-justice team?" I smirked.
"I would ask for nothing more."

I let out loud groan, flipping a car with the black matter.
"Where are they?" I whined, staring over at Klarion who had a contempt look on his face.
"Patience, (Y/N)," he lectured. I rolled my eyes, opening my mouth to complain once again. However, before the words could leave my mouth, I sensed something flying my way. Instinctively I created a wall of black matter, small explosions bouncing off. I smirked and lowered the wall, seeing the new kiddie-justice team.
"Oh, so I see the Justice League decided to give you guys an upgrade."
"(Y/N), please - what you're doing is wrong," M'gann said with fright and sadness in her eyes. I glared at her.
"What I'm doing is wrong?" I laughed as the bitter words continued to roll off my tongue. "No. What's wrong is that you guys treated me like I was some freak and pushed me to the breaking point." The black matter poured from my hands and swirled around my feet.
"What happened to you?" M'gann asked. I smirked.
"I became stronger."
"We don't want to fight you!" Nightwing said as he stepped forwards.
"Well, that's too bad - because I want to fight you." 

As soon as the words passed my lips, I began to throw multiple black orbs towards the team, making them split up instantly. Klarion was quick to my side, throwing his own attacks at the team. M'gann, however, was also quick to enter into my mind.
Stop, please. She begged.
Why should I? I replied. You never cared until now - you still don't care! I began to take control over the mind link, feeling the darkness slowly creep into both our minds. The strength of her powers shocked me, knocking my head back slightly. Moving it back up, I stared at M'gann with glistening black eyes as she appeared in front of me.
"I have never felt power like this before," I said in a quiet voice, before sending a large wave of black matter at M'gann swallowing her up instantly. Conner was quick to react to this, charging at me with a loud cry. I glared at him, using the dark matter to throw him to the ground, sending a large shock-wave through the ground. The rest of the team sent multiple attacks, but I made them brief, sending them back and hitting them with their own attacks. The team were soon sprawled out on the street, bruised and bloodied. 
"Did I say 'upgrade'?" I said apathetically. "I mean't downgrade." 

A sudden loud clap occurred behind me. I turned to see that it was Klarion with Teekl resting neatly on his shoulders.
"Nicely done, magic girl. My, if I had known you could take down that Martian earlier, I would've let you out earlier." I grinned at his praised, nodding my head slightly. He stared at me silently.
"Want to go crash the cinema? I heard they're playing a horror movie, and I want to see how bad it is." Klarion grinned and was at my side in a heart beat.
"I would love to accompany on this night of chaos."

And I like to think that's why we worked so well because, hey, you can't have order without chaos.


Guys I don't know what to do for my photography folio send me some suggestions PLEASE also I have a maths test tomorrow and I need to finish my third checkpoint before I go to sleep send more help please.

Also sorry if this is short for some of you guys, it's just that this was requested to be split into 2 parts so. . . yeah. . . I can't think of a proper excuse other than I'm just tired.

If you want to request anything please don't be afraid to do so by either commenting or messaging me directly.

Chika chika


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