Kid Flash x Reader

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Requested by: predawnwalll


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


"Why won't you just laugh?" Wally whined as I sat comfortably on the couch, eating my bowl of cereal. 
"I don't have anything to laugh about; everything is just plain stupid and not worth the energy," I stated as I took a spoonful of the cereal. This wasn't the first time Wally complained about me not laughing, and it certainly wasn't the first time he had tried to get me to laugh.

The first time he tried to crack a small joke.
"Hey, (Y/N)," he said with a smirk as he walked up to me, hands stuffed in his front pockets. "I wish I was adenine." I raised a brow, slightly confused as to what he was trying to say. His grin grew bigger.
"Because then I'd be paired with you." I sighed and shut my laptop, getting of the couch.
"Yeah, gorgeous?"
"Do me a favor?"
"Anything for you, sugar." I deepened my frown.
"Please don't say something like that, ever again."

The second time he tried to make me laugh, was when he attempted to pull a prank on Conner. I tried to warn him that it was a bad idea, but he could fathom how horrible the idea truly was. So, I sat on top of the kitchen counter in wait as Conner entered the kitchen.
"Hey, Supey." Conner looked at Wally with a slight glare. Wally held up an egg, his eyes darting from the jar next to me, then back to Conner. "Wanna bet that I can get the egg in the jar?" Conner smirked.
"Of course, no-" Before Conner could finish his sentence, Wally threw the egg straight at Conner's face.
"Oh," Wally said with a wavering voice with laughter, "I guess you're right." We were no longer allowed eggs for a week after that night.

"Okay," Wally exclaimed as he jumped onto the couch next to me. "If this doesn't make you laugh, then I don't know what will." I sighed and waited, knowing that this third attempt wasn't going to work. And so, after one and a half hours of cringy one-liners and puns, three pee breaks made by Wally, and one ever-predictable ending, it was over. Wally looked at me, his face red from laughing.
"You didn't laugh?" He whispered. I shrugged and shook my head. Wally let out a loud groan and flopped back into the couch. 
"I'm beginning to think there isn't any real emotion inside of you, (Y/N)." I shrugged again, getting up off the couch.
"Are you even going to help me clean this up?"

This time he had tried another stupid joke, that had back fired almost immediately.
"I will go 'til the end of the world just for you," he said dramatically, leaning over me as I ate my cereal. I sighed, knowing that it was too early in the morning for me to handle the current situation.

"Really? Okay," I said simply. Wally's eyes widened slightly. "Do me a favor and stay there?" Wally's face retracted back into a frown. He hummed in thought.

"Your face must turn a few heads," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and sighed once more.
"And your face must turn a few stomachs."

"Why won't you just laugh?!" He cried. I shrugged, continuing to eat. Abruptly, Wally stood straight, beginning to pace and forth in front of me. He ran his fingers through his hair in a manner of frustration. He began to rant and fuss much like a child.

"You're so hard to read, you know that?" He grumbled as his pacing began to pick up. "This is ridiculous! I'll never get to laugh!" He cried out sorrowfully, shoving his hands in his pockets. I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from smiling at his actions. It was cute - the way he was so set on attempting to make me laugh by any means necessary. 

I silently got up from the couch, placing the now empty bowl to the side. Wally didn't seem to notice my actions, continuing to walk back and forth. I stopped him, suddenly, pulling him close and placing a kiss to his cheek. I tore away when I felt him move, putting a hand to my mouth.
"D-did you just. . . vibrate?" I whispered, stepping away slowly. Wally's face began to heat up in embarrassment as he began to stumble over his words. 
"I- uh, well- n-no, I-"
"Wallace West - how in the world of physics and everything known to mankind, did you vibrate?!" My voice began to break at the end of my question, and I hurriedly covered my mouth as began to laugh.

I looked at Wally with tears welling up in my eyes, to see his ones widening in shock. I continued to cover myself as I laughed, trying to compose myself. 
"Y-you're laughing! Oh, my God, I did it! I made you laugh!" He speed closer and wrapped me up in his arms, lifting me off the ground by an inch. My smile automatically disappeared.
"Put me down before I disassemble you." Wally let out an awkward laugh and put me back down, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. A small smile etched it's way onto my face at his small action, and I quickly looked away to hide it. 

Wally was also quick to notice my unnatural behavior, placing a hand underneath my chin and moving it to make me look at him, and by that point my smile had completely worn away.
"Why do you cover your face when you smile?" He asked. I sighed and averted my gaze.
"I-it's stupid, honestly. Y-you won't want to here it." When I glanced back at him, the same look of concern was etched onto his face.
"You can tell me." I sighed close my eyes, pulling myself out of his grip slowly. 
"Well, I was with a group of friends - we were just laughing and tell stories. Then this guy comes along and he, uh, he started to make fun of my smile." I glanced upwards to see Wally's remorseful face before I continued. "Then everyone began to join in, and I just, I can't smile or laughing knowing that people think I looked weird when I do." Wally cupped my face gently and brought his face closer to mine. 
"I think you look beautiful when you smile - heck, you look beautiful all the time, no matter what anyone else says." A wobbly smile made it's way onto my face, before Wally pressed his lips against my own. 

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer into his body. I hummed lowly at the satisfying feeling of his lips on mine, only for it to be taken away by the lack of oxygen. A goofy grin was set on Wally's face as we parted.
"What is it?"
"I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure that you're always smiling." I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "shut up," before kissing him once more.


Every time someone requests for me write for Wally I'm all like "oh shit that's me"

Shout out to Google for helping me search for all those horrible jokes and responses. 

Also I figured what I'm gonna do for my photography folio so please leave the rest of the worrying and stress to me ahahahahaha

If you would like to request anything, please don't be afraid to do so by either commenting or messaging me directly

Chika chika


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