Kid Flash x Reader

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Requested by: hetaot


Y/N = Your Name


My parents always told me to never leave the castle walls. They would always tell me how it was dangerous, and strange men would try and take advantage of me, then bring in princes by the dozen for me to wed. How were they not strange? Some of them were older than me by a millennium, some perhaps even more. 
"I just don't understand!" I exclaimed, raking my fingers through my hair. 
"Because I am your father, and I forbid you from leaving these walls!" I let out a loud growl. 
"You can't keep me here forever! I-I'll run away if I must!"
"You'll do no such thing!" My mother screamed, following me down the hallway to my room.
"Yeah, like you say about everything," I sneered, slamming my door shut in my parents face. I ran to my dresser and pushed it in front of the door, blocking my parents from entering. They hammered their fists on the door angrily.
"You come out right now!"
"No! I will come out when I please for once!" 

The argument continued for an hour until my parents finally stopped, giving up on trying to get me to leave my room. The day was still early - the sun had just reached its peak. I leaned on the balcony that connected to my room, watching as the townspeople gathered for the market. I sighed and watched peacefully, wistful to join them. I thought back to my claim of running away from the castle, and for a split second I also wondered 'why not?' That split second thought turned into an idea, and I grabbed my oldest robes, tearing them here and there, and slipping it on. I looked at myself in the mirror, noticing how much looser the clothing was. I smiled to myself, pulling the hood over my head. I ran back to my balcony, looking down at the twenty-foot drop. Glancing at my bed sheets I ripped them off, tying one end to the edge of the balcony as tight as I could. After climbing down to the last part of the sheet, I let myself fall the last few feet onto the grass, then fled over the castle wall to join the townspeople.

One word to describe it? Freedom. I was able to walk down the streets without anyone stopping and having to bow; I was able to become a different person with a simple change in clothing and lack of bodyguards. I had never known that there was so much life and color until I passed the gates, with people chattering freely and children running around with their free will. I stared at the bread as I went past the stand, my hand hovering over it.
"That's worth five," the elderly lady said. I glanced at her, not wanting my face to give away who I was.
"Did you make it yourself?" I asked kindly. She nodded. I noticed how worn she was, and I remembered learning how bakers had to stay up late and wake up early in order to make their goods. I pulled out a few coins from a small bag in my pocket, handing them to the lady.
"Keep the change," I mumbled to her, taking the bread that still managed to stay warm. The woman stared at me in awe.
"You must be an angel," she whispered. I giggled and shook my head.
"No," I said. "I'm just passing by."

I nibbled on the bread aimlessly as I leaned against one of the buildings, watching as people walked by. I let out a sigh and smiled to myself, wishing that I could stay longer. A sudden crash in the alleyway next to me jolted me back into my senses, and I peered around the corner. I gasped and ran to the man who was lying on the ground, seemingly in pain.
"Are you okay?" I asked, warily putting a hand on his back.
"I'm fine," he croaked. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I saw the edges of his mouth curl up into a smirk. "The question is, are you?" My eyes widened as a sudden shadow loomed over me, and before I could turn around, I was knocked to the ground, unconscious.

The uncomfortable repeating pounding in my head finally brought me back as the pain continued to sear through my body. I went to bring my hand to my head, only to have it stuck with a thick strap around my wrist. I wriggled it in irritation, my heart beginning beat rapidly. I went to my legs and found that they too were strapped to the bed. I let out a loud scream, continuing to thrash my body.

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