Impulse x Reader

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Requested by; @AuroraTheReader


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


People say that 'things can only go up from here' when you're having a bad day. No matter the situation. It doesn't matter if you stay up three nights in a row to finish three internals due at the end of the week; if you haven't showered in over a week; if you tripped over into a puddle, leading to you being late to your bus home - that only goes to your street at that time of day. 

So of course I had the reason to grumble as I sat in the bus stop, hiding my near numb body away from the rain. The person who used the 'oh-so-popular' saying smiled cheerily at me, waltzing onto the bus as if they had just created the cure for lung cancer (probably just to 'stop smoking' would be their only cure), whilst I stayed and waited for the rain to stop. 

I gave up once my watch went off, signaling that it was 6 PM and that I had missed training at Mount Justice with Nightwing. Damn, I thought, I was really hoping that seeing Lagoon Boy being thrown to the ground would brighten my day. I gradually lifted myself up off the wet seat, making my way to the zeta tube, which, unfortunately for me, was over half an hour away with no thanks to missing my bus. 

"Wow, (Y/N)," Bart smirked when I entered through the zeta, "looking pretty dry." On any other day, I would find his jokes hilarious to the point I struggled to breath properly, but on this day - I wasn't up for any of it. 

"Whatever," I grumbled, keeping my arms wrapped around my body, bag slung over my shoulder. A look of shock crossed Bart's face along with Nightwing's, although he did try and hide it better than Bart. 
"You're late," he stated, arms crossed, attempting to use his 'bat-glare'. 
"I'm sorry." I didn't bother supplying him with a reason, knowing that he had heard it all before from me. 

I threw my bag onto the top of the island in the middle of the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge. I let out a growl when realizing that my left over mac n' cheese was missing. Bart. I pulled out the now empty plastic tupperware. If he doesn't figure a way to get back to his time, I'm gonna- I was cut off from my train of thought when the container slipped from my hands, landing with a smack against the ground. I stared down at it, my hand still looking as if the container was still in it. I felt the weight of everything drop onto my shoulders and sobbed into my hands. I stepped backwards until my back hit the island, sliding down against it onto the ground, curling myself into a ball and letting out silent sobs. 

"Alight! Time to make- (Y/N)?" Bart gasped, quickly appearing next to my side with an arm wrapped around my shoulders. 
"Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt? Is everything alright? Do you need to talk to me? Do-" Bart's questions began to speed up to the point where I could only make out the occasional 'you' and 'okay'. 

I wiped away my tears that continued to leak out on my still drenched coat. 
"W-what?" I croaked out, staring at Bart. He rubbed the back of his neck, flustered, before looking me straight in the eyes and asking me his questions again. 
"Are you okay?" 

I felt my bottom lip quiver and looked at the empty container that laid upside down. 
"N-no. . ." I whispered, feeling more tears spill over. 
". . . do you want to talk about it?" Bart asked cautiously. I took a deep breath as I explained what was wrong.

". . . a-and then I dropped the fucking container . . . God's, I can't do anything - I can't even hold a fucking container." I let out a loud sob as I leaned against Bart. Bart pulled me in closer, his arms wrapped tightly around me in a hug. I covered my face as I cried out, knowing that I looked like a complete mess. Bart made small hushing noises, rubbing his hand up and down on my back in a calming motion. 

I sucked in a deep breath and pulled myself out of Bart's hold, wiping my eyes. 
"T-thanks. . ." I mumbled, my voice cracking slightly. 
"For what?"
"For. . . that; listening to me. It's- it's been a while." 
"I'm always here to listen."

Bart leaned over and grabbed the tupperware, handing it to me with a gentle smile. Taking the container, I stared down at it, then back at Bart. 
"This was full yesterday." I frowned at Bart, his face slightly tinged with red. 
"Uh- I'll make it up to you?" He suggested. "I found this really good recipe online today. . ."
". . . I'm listening. . ."

After quickly changing into dry clothes, we got set on making food.
"Ta da! What did I tell you? Easy," Bart claimed, his arms crossed proudly as he beamed between me, and the steak and cheese burrito. I rolled my eyes as I looked around the kitchen. The smell of cooked steak still filled the air, and dishes laid uncleaned in the sink. 

"Yeah, yeah. But we all know that it's not the presentation that counts - it's the taste." I leaned over and took one of the burritos, taking a quick bite. I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I bit into the delicious meal, but I knew that Bart had definitely been working on his cooking skills over the past few weeks. 

I looked at Bart who was grinning victoriously.
"So, what d'ya think?" 
"Honestly?" I asked, trying to keep my face and tone serious. I waited, letting the silence take it's toll on Bart, who was beginning to step from side to side in agitation.
"Bart, this is. . . the best steak and cheese burritos I have ever eaten." 

Bart's nervous features broke into another grin. 
"Yes!" He cheered, zipping over to me and picking me up, spinning me around. 
"Bart! Oh, my God, put me down!" I kept a tight grip on his shoulders, my voice slightly shaky from the sudden speed. 

"Oh, right. Sorry," he apologized, placing me down with his hands still on my sides where he picked me up, "just- uh, got a little- uhm, excited?" I kept my hands on his shoulders. 

I was quick to realize how close our bodies were, and Bart must have too, because the next thing I knew Bart had pressed his lips to mine, pulling my body closer to his. I let out a noise of surprise, my hands gripping his shoulders once again. However I eased into the kiss, gently kissing Bart back. 

He pulled away with a grin that matched my own. 
"Now that, was crash." I let out a laugh at his trade mark, looking at the mess we had left with our cooking. 
"Nightwing is totally going to kill us," I sighed, but didn't make any indication of cleaning up the mess. 
"Yeah, worth it though," Bart replied. 

I looked up at him, seeing that he was still looking at me with a lopsided grin. 
"Is it bad that I kinda want to kiss you again?" He asked, chewing on his bottom lip. I laughed and shook my head, quickly leaning up and kissing Bart once more. It was more passionate than the last one, and I pulled away with a bright blush. 

I glanced at Bart to see his face also slightly flustered, his lips turned up into a smirk.
"What is it this time?" 
"Nothing. . . it's just that I make on hell of a steak and cheese burrito."


Ughh I'm sorry that this one is so short :'( I cry. But I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless!!

Also I've started watching The Flash and I'm already emotionally connected to Barry ... Send help.

Anyways, please don't be afraid to send in any requests either by commenting or messaging me directly!

Chika chika


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