Impulse x Reader (Part 2)

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A/N: Okay so quite a few people have asked for a part 2 so here it is!


Y/N = Your Name
V/N = Villain Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name
Y/W = Your Weapon


"So. . . what do you mean you're 'from the future'?" I asked, legs curled up on the couch. On the other side of the room, Bart sat with his legs crossed, bouncing up and down on the couch. 
"Well, what else would it mean?" He replied. I rolled my eyes, huffing. 
"I mean, why did you come? And what did you mean I'd be joining your team?" Bart sighed, glancing at me before replying.
"I can't just tell you. . . it's classified. But you do join the team - you have to."

My eyes narrowed in his direction as I stood up from my seat. 
"I have done the Reach's bidding for too long - I'm not joining your team, even if my life depends on it."
"But (Y/N)-"
"No! I'm not joining your team and that's final. I don't work for anyone but myself."

Weeks passed, and not even a day passed when Impulse didn't try and talk to me about joining the team. It would be when I least expect it as well. And it was always the same thing; "we need you", "the future depends on it", "the team needs someone like you". 

I was going for a run when he decided to try once more. 
"I should've known," I sighed as Impulse appeared by my side, keeping up with me without breaking a sweat. 
"Come on, (Y/N) - you gotta do it!"
"For the last time I'm not doing it!" Impulse groaned as he speed up his pace, crossing in front of me, causing me to stop.
"You can't keep following me-"
"Bart." I shut my mouth in shock. 
"My name is Bart Allen." I looked at him confused, taking a slight step back.
"Why are you telling me you're name?"
"Because," Bart sighed. "Because I trust you"

"Come on, (S/H/N); don't tell me that's all you got." Nightwing smirked as he pulled me to my feet once more. Within the few days of joining the team, I had given up the name (V/N), and became (S/H/N). Only a few people knew of my real identity; Bart, Nightwing and Batman. It was something I wanted to remain my highest secret before I entered the team. 

I growled as I pushed my leg back into a fighting stance.
"I thought you were some assassin, so stop fighting like a child in the sand pit." I nodded at his words, shaking my arms before raising them into a defensive position. I let out a breath before nodding once more. 

I took a step forward, aiming a fist at Nightwing's face. Quicker than I had anticipated, he blocked it and brought my arm down. I relaxed my wrist and twisted it so I could grab a hold of his wrist, pulling his arm across his body. When his body had fully turned around I took my chance and knocked out his legs, making him collapse to the floor with a grunt. 
"How's that for the sand pit?" I panted. 

I heard a loud clap from the other side of the room, and looked to see Bart with a grin on his face.
"Now that was crash." He looked over at Nightwing.
"What'd I tell ya?," he said, walking over and placing an elbow on my shoulder.
"Can she go on a mission with us now?" 

I looked to Nightwing in hope of a 'yes', or at least a simple nod, but neither came. 
"I'm sorry, Bart, but I can't-" He was cut off by a loud beeping coming from the main computer.
"We'll talk about this later."

I watched as the rest of the team suited up, gnawing on my thumbnail. 
"Hey," Bart said in a cheery voice, "there's always a next time." I sighed and hung my head. 
"That's what you said the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. . . and the time before that." I turned to Bart.
"You said this team needs me - when?" Bart placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled weakly. 
"Things come in due time."

I grumbled as I sat on the high stool at the main computer, hacking away silently to the security camera operations on the port. 
"Aha," I whispered with a small smirk. I zoomed in on the screen, getting a closer look at the fight. One by one the team were taking down Sports Master's men. I sighed and rested my elbows on my knees, continuing to watch as the screen lit up the room. Every time it seemed as if Sports Master managed to catch the upper hand, it would be smacked down by a member of the team. However, when Robin had been caught off guard and thrown to the ground, I knew things were starting to take a turn for the worse.

I panted as I reached the entrance to the port. Many of the team seemed to be growing weaker by each hit and miss. I prepped my (Y/W), and sprinted once again. 
"(S/H/N)! I told you to stay behind!" Nightwing called, still focused on one of Sports Masters men. I punched one of Sports Masters men in the throat before replying.
"You needed help!"
"See?" Bart said, running into one of the men and knocking him down. "I told you she can help!"

I stood in the background as Bart, Nightwing and Batman stood in a small circle. I caught onto a few words such as "unstable" and "not ready" from both Batman and Nightwing. I glared at the ground, digging my shoe into it. 

"(Y/N)." I looked up, seeing Batman walk up to me. I chewed the inside of my cheek as I waited for whatever happened next.
"What you did today was adolescent and intolerable - you went against Nightwing's orders and-"
"But I did it because they needed help!"
"That's besides the point," Batman growled, eyes narrowing. 
"You went against order without thought and went straight to the fight with no thought second question." Batman paused, and I swear you not, there was the slightest smirk on his lips when he spoke.
"And that's what has gotten you a spot on the team."

My eyes widened. 
"You went straight to the enemy in order to help your team mates. You made a good call; stupid but smart nevertheless." I attempted to keep a straight face when looking up at Batman, but couldn't help but let a smile tug at my lips. 
"Thank you, si-" Suddenly Bart had speed over and pulled me into a tight embrace.
"I told you! I told you that you'd make the team!" I let out a laugh before hugging him back.
"If it weren't for you I wouldn't even be here in the first place."

I pulled away and glanced at where Batman and Nightwing were, but they had already left. I looked back at Bart and noticed him staring.
"What?" I quipped, eyeing him suspiciously. 
"You totally owe me."
"Like you said! If it weren't for me trying to convince you all these months this wouldn't have happened!" I glared at the boy, crossing my arms.
"Fine. What do you want?"
"Uh, how about a date?" Bart laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. 

I sighed and shook my head, turning and walking away. 
"I like pizza."
"You said I owed you a date. I like pizza."


I don't know what it is but I'm not as happy with this. . . I'M SORRY.

Also I'm going back to school tomorrow and I'm just

Also I'm going back to school tomorrow and I'm just

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How has it already been two weeks??? Wow R U D E

Anyways if you want to submit anything do so in the comments or message me privately.

Chika chika


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