Robin (Dick Grayson) x Male! Reader

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Requested by: delta-cat


V/N = Vigilante Name

* * *

You hummed lowly as you sat at an outside table of a small cafe, stirring the straw around in your glass. A pair of darkly tinted glasses hid your eyes, allowing them to dart around. They caught onto a familiar person as they approached, rubbing their hands together nervously as they sat down.

You greeted with a smile, moving your hand from the straw to the wooden table. It then snuck into your jacket, pulling out a thick brown-paper envelope. It slapped heavily against the wood, and the man in front of you jumped slightly.

Unable to let out a laugh, you stated, "y'know, for a cop I woulda thought you would be frightened by more than an envelope."

The man smiled awkwardly, grasping the envelope. "Yeah, well," he said nervously, attempting to avoid looking into your lenses. "You've helped us a lot in the past few months."

He wasn't wrong. The moment you had shown up to Gotham and began ridding killers and abusers from the streets, the police department have slowly been let off the hook, allowing them to focus on much larger cases involving Batman and his sidekick. Paying some of the more informal cops on the side has also helped you off the hook in a sense, keeping certain 'incidents' under wraps.

With a nod, the man stood from his seat, shoving the envelope into his back pocket.

"Same time next month," he said.

You nodded, taking a sip from your straw. "Same time next month."

* * *

"You're (V/N), right?" A girl asked. You looked up from your keys as you were walking up the stairs towards your apartment.

You looked around, wondering if she was talking to anyone else. "Um, yeah?" You finally answered. She looked at you nervously, wringing her hands together.

"Uh, th-there's someone I want you to. . ."

Catching on slowly, you nodded, before inviting her into your apartment.

When entering, she continued to glance around nervously, though, there wasn't much to look at considering everything in the place was less valuable than your own life. 

"So," you began, walking into the kitchen and pouring a glass of water. "How may I be of your service?"

She took the glass, staring at it in her hands. "Well, there's this guy. H-he's been following me around the past few weeks. At first, I thought it was nothing, but, he just kept following me to a point where I began running home." She paused, looking at you to be sure you were listening. You nodded. "B-but yesterday he-he-" She stopped again, wiping away a tear that fell down her face. You hated this part of the stories.

Sighing, you put your glass to the side. "You don't need to finish it." Pulling out a small box of tissues, you slid it over to the girl, who sighed a 'thanks' and took a few. "So, why should I do it?"

The girl looked at you with wide eyes. You expected her to ask, 'why? he hurt me', or say 'because I have the money to pay'. But when she said, "I don't want him to do it to anyone else." You understood.

It was one of the same things your parents understood when they took up this kind of work themselves. They'd always say, "as long as our family name is alive, we shall vow to protect." And after their passing, all you wanted was to make them proud and live up to your family name. 

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