Kaldur'ahm x Reader

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Just to be clear - none of these aesthetics are mine.


Y/N = Your Name
F/C = Favorite Color
E/C = Eye Color


On the same day of every month a man would come in. He would get his hair cut the exact same length, same style, each time. And I was always assigned to do it. But I never complained. I always enjoyed the mans company. The was his pearly teeth showed when he smiled every time I cracked a joke, his seemingly grey eyes lighting up each time. 

One thing that continued to confuse me would be the way he would come in wearing either a turtle-neck or scarf, either way covering his neck. I always offered to move it out of the way but he protested with kindness and not wanting to make him mad, which too seemed difficult, I allowed him to wear it each time, in summer and winter. 

"Kaldur! You know, for a moment I wasn't sure that you were going to show up," I said with a slight smirk, grabbing my folded cape and guiding him to his designated seat. Kaldur chuckled and nodded, sitting down, back straight. I flung the cape around him, clipping it at the back.
"Comfortable?" I asked. 
"Perfect, as usual." Kaldur replied, smiling up at me in the mirror. 

There was a flutter in my stomach which I tried to push down. 
"So, the usual?" I asked, leaning against the back of the seat, quirking my brow. Kaldur nodded, continuing to smile. I nodded back with a sigh. 

As I walked over to my tray to grab the clippers, Abby had decided to pull me to the side. 
"So, when are you asking him out?" I stood there, mouth wide open. 
"W-what?! What are you talking about?" 
"Oh, come on, (Y/N), you know exactly what I'm talking about." Abby winked, before walking away, smirking. I took a deep breath to try and rid the bright blush that had covered my face, heading back over to Kaldur. 

"Sorry about that, Abby just, needed a little help with something." I slid in the number 3 onto the head of the clippers and began my work. I began from the front, dragging the clippers quickly and precisely to the back. I had easily been able to remember the shape of Kaldurs head, making it much easier for me than others. We continued to make small talk, even shortly about the weather. 

"I wish it would stay like this forever." I said, motioning outside the window as I walked around to the other side of Kladur.
"And why's that?" He questioned, leaning his head to the side, allowing me more room to work.
"So I could go to the beach more often," I sighed. "I haven't exactly been able to visit as often as I normally do, so having more beautiful weather like this would give me more time to visit." I smiled, unaware of Kaldur watching me through the weather as I spoke, completely mesmerized by my words. 

I soon moved to the back of Kaldur's head, tilting it down in order to get a more precise shave and get as many baby-hairs as I could. I found myself wondering what Kaldur was secretly hiding under his white turtle-neck. Tattoos? Hickies? A scar from an attack? But all of these seemed unrealistic or unlike Kaldur. Stuck in thought, my fingers accidentally feel beneath the fabric that always sneaked above the cape. I felt Kaldur's neck tense and pulled my hand away, feeling a nervous feeling fall into the pit of my stomach. 

"I-I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to, I- it's just- oh my, God, I'm so sorry!" I stumbled over my words, my heart racing as fast as I had ever felt it go before. Kaldur looked at me through the mirror again, smiling weakly, as if I had just almost discovered his deepest secret. 
"It's fine. It's just. . ." he trailed. I shook my head. 
"You don't have to explain if you don't want to. I'm sorry." I pursed my lips as I looked back at Kaldur. 

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