Kid Flash x Speedster! Reader

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Requested by: readingnerd_17


Y/N = Your Name

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When you had first gotten your powers, you thought they were like some kind of curse. You would always get out of bed to quickly, occasionally so fast you smashed through your door - explaining that one to your parents was a long walk around the block (literally - you had to take them out of the house so they wouldn't break anything else). You also began to walk faster than most people, which was annoying considering you realized how slow people actually were on a Monday morning, as well as feeling the awkward stare when passing people. You decided taking your bike was a better option.

But being fast had its advantages. You rarely arrived late for school no matter how late you slept in, you got through your homework and studies way faster, and forgetting to pick something up from the store? Just a few clicks and your back with whatever it had been that was needed.

Keeping the secret from people was more of a problem than you had originally planned. You yearned to boast about your powers, the energy buzzing through you with a simple thought of it. But you knew that it was dangerous. What if someone went after you? What if the Flash tried to talk to you? Or worse - what if he thought you were a villain.

You shook your head at the insidious thoughts, continuing to run down the streets, attempting to reach your highest speed. Of course, you never really knew what your top speed /actually was/. It was just a guess at best. However, in order to do your little tests, you needed to create, well, a costume. You personally hated the idea. You weren't a superhero nor some vigilante. You were just some teen that had gained the ability to run so fast you basically defeated the rules of physics. The mask was needed for you personally also, knowing that if someone did manage to catch you, you'd be safe knowing that they wouldn't be able to identify you.

But then, you were suddenly the one catching people - stopping muggers, thieves, and even the occasional abuser if you heard it. You weren't sure what made you keep doing it after the first one. Perhaps knowing that you were doing something useful with your powers? Or knowing that you were helping those who needed it the most. 

But what you didn't think you'd be using them for was to stop a bank robbery. Okay, to be fair, it wasn't your fault. You were just wanting to make a transfer to another bank when seven men walked in, guns firing at the ceiling or people's feet.

Screams echoed until one of the men began yelling. "Everyone on the ground, and throw your phones into the center!" When no one moved he spoke again, this time shooting someone in the leg. "Do what I say or someone else gets shot!"

You took out your phone, sliding it along the ground so it wouldn't crack. It didn't seem to matter when the man shot all of the phones, making them defective.

The man glanced at his watch. "We have two more minutes until the cops arrive - let's hurry up!"

One of the men came walking towards you, a mask covering his face.

"Um, sir?" You asked shakily.

"What?" He spat. 

"I-I need to pee s-so-"

"So what? Pee your pants if you-" Before he could finish you took him out, sweeping your leg under him and causing him to fall on the floor, smacking his head on the ground and going unconscious.

"Shit," another man yelled, pointing a gun at your face. "Don't move!"

You rolled your eyes at him, speeding over to him and taking him out before he could take another breath.

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